(no subject)

Jun 01, 2005 08:00

--> 2 Things that would make u the happiest person in the world

2. a life without unnessecary confrintation

12) What musical instruments do you play?


*Survey Begin <3*

*name- amber
*nic-name- oh shit... here i go. ambs/amba/mer/slim thug/ambie/dag/"damn amber" with thanks to lauras dad/
*birthday-december 2o
*best friend name(s)- sammie laura molly and amy [IN NO PATICULAR ORDER!]


*Smartest -amy
*Most Outgoing -laura molly sammie and me
*Craziest -laura and me own this cat.
*Wisest -wisest? ohh ohh raegen most deff.
*Loudest - BECCA
*Shyest -i dont have a shy friend
*Quietest -i dont have a quiet friend
*Weirdest -this is tough.. ? i think we all might be equally weird
*Prettiest/Handsomest -alla them

*Right Now*

*What do you smell? my vanilla candle
*What do you see? my laptop
*What are you doing? this thing
*Who is closest to you? like physically closer to me? i dont get it!! well if it is physically.. no one because im home alone.
*If you have a pet, What kind of pet is closest to you? cat
*What room are you in? mine
*What is the closest object next to you? my cup
*What book is closest to you? again? physically closer? ughhh. my summer reading book that i have yet to even open.

*This or that*

*Orange Juice/Apple Juice-orange
*Grape Soda/Orange Soda-grape
*Female/Male-huh? well im a female...but i like males. i dont get this one ethier/
*Karate/Kung-Fu-kung fu i supose

*What would you do if..*

*The world was in your command-marry dale earnhardt jr ;) and find ryan cabrera for laura, and jesse mccartney for molly. because im nice like that.
*Zombies attacked-hide?
*Cat's killed all the dogs-ha laugh.
*You lived in a mansion-throw a party.
*You lived in a one room cabin like Loreta Lynn when she was a coal miners daughter..still is one.. but you get the point.-invest in some high-quality ear plugs.
*You went to hell-save laura a seat! ;) what a convient question hahaha laura. ;)
*You went to heaven-id be happy and thankful
*You had no friends-cry, because then id have NO FRIENDS AND NO LIFE :(
*You had a million of friends-cry, i cant image having a million. the ones i have are enough to occupie anyone.

*Love Life*

*Getting Married? yes
*Any Kids? when i get married
*How many Kid's? idk
*Ever dump anyone? no
*Ever been dumped? no
*What was the longest time you've gone out with somebody? like never. bring on highschool bitches ;)
*Are you going out with somebody? no
*End Survey*

--> Your Perfect Guy
Short Answer
.: x hair color- brown
.: x eye color- blue
.: x height- taller than me
.: x short or long hair- like not short but not heavy metal bands long. unserstand?
.: x prep, skater, jock, etc- doesnt matter
.: x teeth- straight and white
Yes or No...for our perfect guy?
.: x glasses- no
.: x contacts- sure
.: x buff- yes
.: x piercings- no
.: x tatoos- ah not like a bazillion but a couple i could care less about.
.: x teeth- well yeah.
.: x cook- yes
.: x love his mom- yes. but not to an annoying point. there is a fine line there.
.: x watch chick flicks with you- he has to watch them, but doesnt have to enjoy them.
.: x cuss- again, not to a point were it is annoying.
.: x drink- another fine line.
.: x smoke- no
.: x write poems- no
.: x walk you to your door- yes
.: x pay for dinner- yes
.: x wild or conserved- both to a certain extent
This or that
.: x funny or serious- there is a right time for both
.: x night out or stay at home- both
.: x shy or outgoing- outgoing
.: x candy or flowers- flowers
.: x smart or dumb- smart
.: x not afraid to speak his mind or do what makes you happy- speak his mind
.: x quiet or loud- loud, you have to be loud if your going to put up with me.
.: x class clown or class nerd- clown
.: x funny or sarcastic- funny
.: x basketball or football- football
.: x honest or trushtworthy- both

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