1. Gum: anything spearmint
2. Restaurant: mexican joints, a thai place in carmel valley
3. Drink: cranberry juice
4. Season: each one holds a certain loveliness
5. Type of weather: sunny, fluffy clouds, cool breeze
8. Late-night activity: reading, hanging out
9. Sport: soccer, tennis, longboarders are hot.
11. Store: eeeh... don't think i have one
_______When was the last time you_______
12. Cried: a few days ago
13. Played a sport: a while ago
14. Laughed: edgar made me laugh at lunch ;)
15. Hugged someone: today
16. Kissed someone: monday
17. Felt depressed: last night
18. Felt overworked: at school most of the time
19. Faked sick: 8th grade?
20. Had sex: "Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep"
___What was the last_______
21. Word(s): 'shut up!'
22. Thing you ate: grapes
23. Song you listened to: sublime 'date rape'
24. Last thing you drank: apple juice
25. Place you went to: my bed
26. Movie you saw: Thumbsucker
27. Movie you rented: adventures of huck finn
_______Who was the last person you_______
28. Hugged: sammy, i think
29. Cried over: hunter
30. Instant messaged: jeff
31. Danced with: hmm.... hunter at get back loretta
32. Shared a secret with: hunter, probably
33. Had a sleepover with: kate way too long ago
34. Called: hunter
35. Went to a movie with: hunter
36. Saw: the parents and sister
37. Were angry with: trully angry? dad
38. Cant take your eyes off: hunter, especially in movie theaters
39. Obsessed over: don't remember
_______Have you ever_______
40. Danced in the rain: yes, i miss it
41. Kissed someone: you could say that
42. Done drugs: i guess so
43. Drank alcohol: yup
44. Partied 'til the sun came up: haven't had the chance
45. Had a movie marathon: have briefly been part of one
46. Gone too far on a dare: don't think so
47. Spun until you were immensely dizzy: who hasn't?
_______My life_______
48. School you to go: Rancho Bernardo
49. Name: Kristina Manvelyan
50. Gender: female
52. Relationship status: happily devoted
53. Nationality: armenian and belorussian
54. State or province you live in: california
55. I'm feeling: sore
56. I'm listening to: sublime
57. I'm doing: this, slacking
58. I'm talking to: jeff
59. I'm craving: superman
61. I'm hating: homework
62. Love is: truly indescribable
63. My first love: volunteering
65. Love or lust: lust has nothing on passionate love
66. Best love song: 'wish you were here' pink floyd
67. Possible to be in love w/ more than one person at the same time: probably, but it's questionable
68. When does love hurt: when you're dishonest
69. Are you in love: i will gladly sound crazy any day
_______Opposite/same sex_______
70. Turn ons: sense of humor, intelligence, eyes, smile, height
71. Turn offs: dishonesty, unreliability
72. Do your parent's opinion on your gf/bf matter to you: since they regulate how much i will see that person, yes
73.What kind of hairstyle are you into?: i have sudden urges to cut my hair every 2 months or so, but i only end up taking an inch off
74. What is the sweetest thing a girl/guy can do for you?: notice little things, surprise me
75. Where do you go to meet new people?: there are new people everywhere
76. Are you the type of person to give and ask for numbers? heh.. yeah....
_____Picky Picky_______
77. Dog or cat: puppies and kitties
78. Short or long hair: like them both
79. Sunshine or rain: like them both
80. Hugs or kisses: both!
81. ps1 or ps2: bo... eh, not really
82. Written letters or e-mails: just show you care. letters usually imply more, like when jeff and i sent eachother letters for 5 or so weeks before he came, even though we talked daily.
83. Cars or motorcycles: how about both?
84. Coke or Pepsi: pepsi
85. House party or club: house party, mostly
86. Sing or dance: dance
87. Freak or slow dance: how about slow dance, and then freak out your date with freak dance? trust me, their facial expression is priceless.
88. How are you today? done with my homework so... pretty good
89. What pants are you wearing right now?: cut up pjs
90. What shirt are you wearing right now?: None. no, just my pink and blue elephants shirt.
91. What does your hair look like at the moment: tied back, messy
92. What song are you listening to right now? no longer listening to anything
93. How is the weather right now? peaceful, clear night
94. Who are you talking to on the phone?: *sigh* no one
95. Last dream I can remember?: don't remember
96. Clothes? eh, comfy
97. Hair? no crap in it. free, flowing and naturally shaped
98. Shoes? sneakers
99. Figure? average
100. random: thought there should be 100 questions.
i leave you with a horse flying off into the sunset