jenna, i think it says something about the content of your lifejournal that the two most recent entries have spawned comments containing country music videos from the 90s. think about it.
That "Texas Ranch" in the video is Southfork....the house used in the TV series "Dallas". The funny thing is everyone thinks it's a huge's not. I've seen ranchers bigger than that house. it's all garage and columns. And made of wood.
Now the video....OMG, that's the stupidest thing I've ever seen. My brother would love it! hahaha
Brandon, where do you find this stuff?
Jenna come home, don't fall in love with a cowboy!
Comments 6
Be safe darlin'....take care of yourself and enjoy the one blue dot in a huge red state. Come back home and I'll make you breaftist!
think about it.
Now the video....OMG, that's the stupidest thing I've ever seen. My brother would love it! hahaha
Brandon, where do you find this stuff?
Jenna come home, don't fall in love with a cowboy!
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