(no subject)

Aug 09, 2004 00:58

past four days were the best. thursday
i went to ^*^janelle's^*^ with
margo and
i was tired. i had a weird face. then..

dennis stopped by and so did..
kyle t. and
dc. also..
timmy who hung out with jared.

*tehe* she's looking at my lj.
i have a gross face, it's horrible.

that night we went to the movies and i met..
scotty and q. scotty is my brother's best friend's stepbrother, small world eh? then giordan stole my camera and took pictures of..
me talking to josh and
josh drinking and
josh's ass.
also a wall. then..
cole got his hair wet in a fountain and..
did a sexy pose. then giordan kept trying to get a picture of..

rosy's boobs. and he also got her..
ass. then i didn't anymore asses so josh tried to take a picture of his..
dick. didn't work out. friday
mary and..

then josh and giordan came by. they took random pictures of us.

then us girls had a photo shoot with janelle's glasses. [we love you janelle.]

*priceless faces.*

and while we did that..

giordan painted his nails :P and..
josh watched BET. [106 & PARK!. *tehe*] then he had to leave, boo. =|
mary painted her nails and..

those were giordan's. then we TRIED to take a..
GROUP SHOT. didn't work, we missed teenie =(. then the girls left. giordan went crazy with my camera and made videos. in them it looks like his raping me, hah.

his eyes.. and also..

i think he's in love with my guitar. then i went ice skating. saw lots of people and since it's 1 am and im not talking to everyone, i'll name everyone i saw =). mary amanda giordan margo ashley josh marcus john g. hewan kaleigh christina h. loralee jackie emily y. nick b. michelle [ =) ] k$ ryan r. nate vince chelsea john j. holly and others. if i forgot you, i love you 2× more!. i also metttttt mary's controlled chaos friends [i can only remember abby =X], scott, seth, jake, john and others (=. fun fun. saturday i went to cassie's party<3!.

[if you don't know us, you won't get what i'm doing hah.]

then amanda came over and we..
talked to giordan on the phone. and also watched movies. it was fun =). today we went to the beach and were people's personal radios. it was funny =D. then we went umm, catamaraning? no comment lol. "why the hell you tellin' me to shut up? what's wrong witchu?!" bye<3. ps. cutest picture ever.
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