The two of us, we dream like one..

May 04, 2004 08:55

                                Standing by you,
                                       All the way,
                                               Here to help you
                                                       through your day.

Holding you up,
                                   when you are weak,
                      ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

... <3 frail_ender May 4 2004, 18:43:33 UTC
I love you Bryt.. Through thick and thin i'll always be there. I wish i could take away all the pain you're going through.. emotionally and physically.. can't wait to see you back on your feet.. <3

'Cuz when you say best friends, it means best friends forever. <3


thisdisaster May 4 2004, 21:12:31 UTC
don't die.. or i'll beat you up ;-)
be careful love.


yeah lil_stone21 May 4 2004, 22:11:56 UTC
i love you too bryt and im always here for you

love you


anonymous May 29 2004, 22:09:39 UTC
Oh please, dont say amy is your best friend, cause she so much better than this. Someone always tells me you always talk crap about her. And you said the same thing to basically everyone of your friends. Then you go and talk shit. Thats just stupid. Your gay sometimes


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