
Dec 17, 2003 00:41

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Comments 22

ever1so1sweet April 13 2004, 01:33:09 UTC
OMG nicole - Mished-kall...hahahah cantbelieve this is you! Conan O'brien is my Idol!! Anyways add me :-P


_nowhere April 13 2004, 04:52:27 UTC
lol if he was everyone's idol it would be a better world


anonymous April 17 2004, 20:58:15 UTC
Please join _pickmeapart_.


electronegative June 3 2004, 18:16:01 UTC
yoo its rena.. add me


_nowhere June 3 2004, 23:21:25 UTC
oh hey, you shall be added


punkpyroprncess June 5 2004, 21:45:38 UTC
Hi you joined beyondtheskin and you didn't put in an app you have 3 days to do so or your banned.


seductivmongoos June 17 2004, 02:47:29 UTC
It has been charged that:

You, a user of http://www.livejournal.com , have included "mock trial" in your personal biography.

And it has been made to appear that you are likely to join a livejournal community based upon this interest. This notice is therefore to command you to attend before the current moderators of the newly formed mock trial community at:
on the 16th day of June, 2004 at your earliest convience to give evidence concerning the charge.

And to bring with you anything in your possession or under your control that relates to the said charge, and more particularly the following:

Bringing entertainment and advice to other mock trillians involved in this community.
Moderators seductivmongoos & femalefonzie23
of mock_trial


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