well this week went by incredibly fast..
no complaints, school wasn't that bad
thursday after school i got a haircut
you cant really tell, even though they
cut of 4 inches!! haha.. o well
after that i went and picked up my pic's.
theyre so cute =) i love them
then i went to nikki's house
we baked brownies for sadd..
they were so good!! we ate a few
but dont tell!! hahah
then around 645 i went home, got dressed
around 745 i went to pick up lindz. we had mucho fun =)
came home around 915 - watched the debate
went to school - had a party in russian..
we watch anastasia (sp?) greatest movie ever
that was a lot of fun. had a sub 2nd period..
which made me the happiest person in the world
cuz i hate my 2nd period teacher. basically did
nothing third except talk about the debate, and we
watched a movie for a little..and the rest of the
day just flew by. went to mikes house after school
with dave jon and rich, and mike of course
((mike is the coolest and i love him))
had so much fun - even tho rich like killed my back
with his little "paralyzing move". then he tried
giving me a massage - and that definatly made it worse
hahah - sorry rich .. went on the trampoline
and just hung out - had a lot of fun
around 8 rob walsh chelsea tori lindz and sam
came over - went outside and hung out
after a while it started to get cold so we went inside
then i had to go home. as soon as i got home i fell
asleep. woke up at 11 . went back to bed at 12
woke up at 1245, then mike called
talked to him for a while, then i passed out
cuz i was extremely exausted.
overall it was a fun day =)
((if u wanna see pics go to mikeys lj))
dont really know what im doing today
possibly going to the carnival??
not quite sure.
ill update more later
leave some comments <3
♥ Ro