(no subject)

Apr 21, 2011 19:47

Been in absentia for a while. Not much to report. However, I've been having odd dreams again.

I was in my church but nit my church. We were cleaning for spring. I
was vacuuming. There was sawdust, leaves, and several kinds of
flooring. Rugs, carpet, stage floor, Berber, and stone/tile. On the
carpeting, which lead onto a storeroom ish area, the vacuum caused
small lint fits, like lighting rookies on a sock. I saw Aunt Mina
there. In the church earlier was mrs. Carroll, Barb, mrs. Barton, mrs.
Kelley, and a composit pastor with mange Walsh, fr. Hanton, and I
think fr. Coady. He was mounting something small and shiny on avwall,
and wanted to play with the lights so it was noticeable. I caught
that conversation while vacuuming behind the altar.

While "out back" talking to Aunt Mina, mass started.

I had to put the vaccine away during things, which involved me passing
through the now-full church. I saw a lot of people, but I only
recognized one family --Sara-Jane, my buddy's ex from like 10 years

As I excused myself, people kept referring to me as, "father." I
finally made my way to a standing place, because the choir loft was
closed for renos.

There were people in academic-style, baptist-y robes backing the
altar. The "regular" choir was clustered around the organ. Mum was
there, and supposed to read something, but had spaced out, or
something. Some chick took her place and read in French. Then some guy
did a weird rock and roll-ish thing on the stage-left lectern, where
the French lady read, which was next to some terrace, through which
random people were wandering, to be chased off the altar by the

Then, my alarm went off.
For some reason, I was picking up my buddy Erik, hithereforeto referred to as Goggles. We were in Ontario. He and his family were living in my uncle's house in Milton, but it wasn't his, it had elements of it before the renovations, etc etc.

I went into the house, but no one was home. Or, more accurately, Goggles wasn't home, and whoever was was asleep/in the shower, or something. The door to what is in reality my Uncle's room was closed. I went out to the Garage and got a baseball bay, and proceeded to walk around the house and hammer... something... in on the walls. By the time I got back to the garage, Goggles was back, and we left. We were giving his Great Uncle, or someone similar, a ride somewhere, and just chatting. I don't remember what about.

Finally, we got to our destination, which was my Cousin Sarah's apartment, apparently. There were other folks I knew there, but I was chatting with Sarah. We were talking about how she was making a living as an actress, and that she had a lead on a permanent gig back home. Billy Woolridge, a guy we went to school with, came up. I think he was the creator of the series she was going to be on.

Her apartment was a lot like my nan's house, but different. I picked up a script that was pinned to the fridge and thumbed through it. I, apparently, knew or knew of the guy who wrote it, and made some commenty about not caring for hime. Sarah concurred. Then things jump ahead, and I'm going aboard some tall heavyset girl in the kitchen who was making comment on my engilsh. I let her have it with both barrels, and went out into the dining/living room. The folks I knew at the party were sitting around the table. I sat next to goggles and vented to the b'ys. I think Chris Walsh and Doucette were there, too. Through it all, it came about that I might have over-reacted. I went back into the kitchen to aboligize, but the chick was now this guy Ryan from highschool, whom I actively disliked back then. I went ahead with the apologi, and he was a prick about it, refusing to accept it. I went to the bathroom, which was now down an outside alleyway kind of deal, and he jumped me from behind. He had some kind of batman-nosfearatu powers going on, and while I beat him off, I most certainly did not win the fight.

Then things get weirder. All of a sudden, we're all fleeing down the street toward some edifice of a building, away from zombie hordes, which were a mix of the shamblers and the speed-demon varieties. I, and some other folks were armed, a mix of projectile weapons and Fallout-setup lazer pistols. Mine wouldn't fire, for some reason, so I kept running, trying to keep the crowd moving.

Finally we got to the building, and for some reason, the hordes stopped.

Then I woke up.
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