First of all, I wasn't mad when I left practice because lovely Lori made me feel better and we were cuddlin' like Joey&Jana. <3toLori! I just wanted to say that before I forgot.
Well, we were supposed to have a sectional today. I was there at about.. 4;40.. five minutes early for the planned sectional. WE NEVER DID A FUCKIN' THING! Braydon was there! But nooo he didn't do anything 'coz he had business with Oyer to take care of and had to wait til he got there. RDKTBDISUGSZIFJBSDKJUGDSETG He had me there so damn early to do NOTHING but sit in a group of people I didn't care to be around. FUCKING WASTE OF MY TIME!!!!! I also didn't get my cookies from him; that bastard.
Constructive criticism may help, but not what was being said to us from Dave tonight. He said we weren't trying at all. I practiced my music all weekend. I knew none of the 3rd piece on Friday, but now I know most of it. You cannot say I'm not trying. That just plain out frustrates me.
It was cold. The cold makes me sad. 'Nuf said.
You cannot ignore me for a week; barely talking to me and not telling me something that's... just a tad important; and then fucking demand attention! I will not be nice. I will be mean. I will not like you. You will probably be on my bad list.
I've got some other things I could say, but I think I went to far with even mentioning the last one. Motherfuck, I really shouldn't put it in here 'coz if you're not a complete dumbass, you might be able to figure it out.
Also, if you want to just piss me off more, try to make me talk about my problems. I just love doing that.
Oh, I almost forgot. As I said before, I was feeling much better when I left practice.. Then I came home. I'm about to just blow my house up, with my family inside. They think it's funny to try and tease me. That doesn't even go well when I'm in the best mood.
I'm about to fuckin' kill someone.