Name: Katherine E
Age: 23
Birthday: August 14
Location: Dayton, Ohio
List 10 favorite bands: Thursday, UnderOATH, Social D, ETID, FearBefore, Chicago, mewithoutyou, Coheed and Cambria, Converge, Dead Poetic
List 5 favorite movies: Dodgeball, What Dreams May Come, Any Lethal Weapon, Cape Fear, Jaws
What would be your weapon of choice and why: A rusty nail. It just sounds cool.
Name one obsession you have: Meeting bands.
List one bad habit you have: Never remembering appointments that I make.
Tell us something interesting and intelligent: More people die from falling coconuts than shark attacks each year.
Tell us a funny/embarassing story of yourself: I was at a friends keg party and walked through the screen door, got it stuck on my head and then tripped over the keg. Yeah!
If you could choose one person to live with on an island, who would it be and why: Kelly, because I'm still madly in love with him. (unfortunately)
What's one thing you absolutely hate and why: I hate cheaters. Mainly because I've been cheated on almost all of my life.
Promote us somewhere. Give the link: How did you hear about us: Miss Kristyn
Why do you want to join: Cause I like big butts and I cannot lie.
Why do you think your ass rocks? List 3 reasons: I work hard for it, it's not flat, and I get compliments all of the time.
What are your hot ass jeans? Who makes them and why are they "hot" to you: Tilt...anything Tilt is hot to me cause they hug your ass.
Show at least 2 pictures of your face:
Show at least 2 pictures of your ass:
Yeah you can kind of see it, but I promised that after this weekend when my cam is fixed, I shall take two!!