So lets see here...we'll start on the 5th..
I tanned for a couple of hours and then saw the notebook with emma.. it was so cute. it really makes you want a relationship. aw..Oh and i also went to the Y!! Yup i actually worked out!
then came tuesday
i left around 2 for flagstaff to go to my cabin i got there and walked my dogs and then went out for wings!! Yumm then wednesday i tanned yet again and met up with bennie who was walkin his dog! lol we chit chated for a bit and then left..
Thursday i did a bunch of nothing.. i got my quad and went riding adn then came home and watched las vegas...
Friday.. now things get a lil more interesting...Austin came up and we hung out at the teen center for a bit adn then we were driving to the lake and it started to rain! ahh i love the rain!then we went to the tennis courts adn talked with emily, jamie, ryan, carter, and some other ppl.. then he went back to his house and i was trying to play nintendo on my tv in my room but apperently its so old that it doesnt had the plugs that are red yellow and white taht connect to the nintendo.. so that was gay and i got all mad about it then Jordan stopped and we played horseshoes and we suck! so we decided to play this "ring toss" game where you have these birdie looking things that had a weight at the top of them and you throw them into this ring circle thing.. and we suck at that too cuz when you trow them its weird cuz it goes farther then you expected cuz of the weight.. then austin stopped by and said hi and then both of them left and then i ate and later around 11 austin stopped by and we were laying on the hammok talkin about life.. then my dad came out and told me i had to go to bed around like 12 or something idk remember so i went in my room adn watched.. yes.. Dating shows lol emma!!
then saturday rolled around...i went to the pool to tann but then talked to jerredt who was working and talked to him and then head lifeguard and i got myself a job for next summer!!!! i was so happy cuz i love being at my cabin and better yet getting paid 9.73 and hour only 20 hours a week and the only ppl that go in that pool are little kids that are usually with parents so nobody really get hurts or drowns so its basically sitting around getting tan and making money! i cant wait!! but more with my day harry and mike came and talked to us and then the 3 of us left(not including jerredt cuz he had to work) we went and played football and we got like 12 other kids to play with us! it was so fun only problem is that i had a skirt on! so it was somewhat diffuclut to run! then everyone left and austin called me so i went over to the play ground and met up with austin adn he was with christof adn he had this little dirtbike thing it was so tiny wow... and we thought hey lets see if we can drive around with 2 ppl on it so we did and it worked only problem was i still had my skirt on so it was interesting! then we went to austins and hung out for a bit then i went back to the teen center and met up with bennie and harry and mike and played pool and i met this kid hes gonan be in 8th grade and hes gonan go to Dv it was crazy cuz no one up in munds park is from ahwatukee! so when he said hes gonan go to dv i was liek whoa! it was fun then i went home and ate adn then austin and chirstof stopped by when i was talkin to emma and chirstof has a thing for her so he started talkin to her.. and then they left and my parents left to go to the store and austin came back over and we were on the hammok,.again talkin were going snowboarding this winter together! then later taht night chirstof and tj stopped by my bed room window and talked for an hour or so at liek 12 it was fun...
wow i bet that was pretty borning to you but oh well..