Permission Meme etc

Jul 11, 2006 09:23

Ari Ruka
Age: 16
Height: ...short but actually growing
Medical Info: During camp he was shot in the hip but recovered fine. Usually will not see the doctor for injuries caused by other campers. I.E. Nishi or Zero Boys hurt him, he'd try to get someone else to help him.
Eyes: Huge, green, with odd patterns See my default icon
Hair: Red
Physical traits: Short and thin, strong enough to hold his own but still appears frail
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Don't tell Ari he is fictional even though he already suspects it is so. He will freak. Most anything else however is fine, if you have doubts please see me.
Mentionable IC: Please see Kyouya about ordering if Ari is not making a store post unless you want Ari to lash out at you.
Abilities: Decent sword fighting skills, decent magic but at the cost of his well being, and above average intelligence. He enjoys watching people and likes verbal combat more than physical combat.
Notes for the Psychics: His mind is a giant woefull ball of doubt and selfloathing. Ari does not like himself and because of that often doubts others' ability to like him. But when he does get happy he is truly happy and for him it's an overwhelming kinda emotion. Cats or a threatening Nishi/Kimimaro/Zero Boy/Etc will send his mind into a kind of jumbled panic where he can't form coherent thoughts.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Sure!
Hugging/Kissing/Other non-violent physical contact: Ari loves to be touched, even if it gets him flustered. He's not use to physical contact but loves the attention. Go ahead and do whatever! Just expect him to be surprised if you're not a close friend.
Maim/Murder/Death: Please not to be killing Ari. The A Team, Captain Badasses, and Gay Uncles would. Uh. Kill me. But maiming is okay as long as the damage is fixable. Please not to be cutting off limbs.
Cooking: Can cook very boring very tasteless food. Cannot bake to save his life however. Baking escapes him.

Ueki Kousuke
Age: 13
Height: ...uhm
Medical Info: Is a tenkaijin and thus able to heal at an adnormal rate. Able to withstand more pain than a person should.
Eyes: Gray
Hair: Green
Physical traits: Looks unimpressive but actually has a good build. Always looks kinda stoned.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Anything! If I don't like it? Ueki will forget it.
Mentionable IC: Ueki makes no secrets! Say whatever.
Abilities: Able to use the Heavenly Treasures due to his angelic origins, as well as the power to turn trash into trees. As of yet he has not reached his level 2 in camp. He also has decent hand to hand skills though very unpolished. And that wacky dancing zai lets him bust some mighty fine moves! Random note: Ueki is actually above average in intelligence too. Use to be top three in class until he lost his study zai. Even though he lost the zai to LEARN EASILY, he is not STUPID. Just... ... ...special.
Notes for the Psychics: He's content and calm unless there is some sort of immediate threat. He usually says exactly what he's thinking so there's no secrets unless someone told him to keep a secret.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Sure!
Hugging/Kissing/Other non-violent physical contact: Ueki is open for your love! But if you kiss him, Mori will probably kill you. She will find a way.
Maim/Murder/Death: Maiming is fine, but not death. Cuz I really don't think it's possible to kill Ueki short of chopping off his head. Either way, anything you do will result in Mori, Robert, Sano, Mal, Roy, Etc...being VERY VERY ANGRY WITH YOU so be prepared for consquences.
Cooking: Doesn't. That's why we need Mori. D:

Age: 18
Height: 5'9-5'10...ish.
Medical Info: Has one eye. Will never let a doctor mess with his eyepatched eye. No touch. Cuz canonly there is no info on his covered eye.
Eyes: Singular! Green!
Hair: Red
Physical traits: Tall, hair worn up..ish. Eyepatch is a distinguishing feature.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Don't break his fourth wall oh god. Don't try to make him use moogles either unless you wanna have an arguement.
Mentionable IC: See above.
Abilities: Uses a small hammer as a weapon. He can make it change sizes at his whim and use it to perform attacks of a magical nature. Is pretty damn smart as well and is in training to be Bookman, thus a good memory.
Notes for the Psychics: Nothing special here, regular range of emotions. Brain may wander off to start trying to work out details of stuff Bookman taught him. His mind is always churning though.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Sure!
Hugging/Kissing/Other non-violent physical contact: Please! Rabi loves that kinda stuff and is one of those people who like to touch other people a lot. Anything from head pats to hugs to shoving playfully.
Maim/Murder/Death: Maiming fine, death not because Rabi refuses to use Moogles. Reviving him would also cause a LOT OF PROBLEMS FOR HIS CANON CAST. AUGH.
Cooking: Unknown canonly but I'd say passable because exorcists are on the road a lot. Campfire style cooking.
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