Title: Hypothermic, My Secret,
AiriechanFandom: Kingdom Hearts [I, II]
Pairing/Threesome: Leon x Sora
Theme(s): #11 cold, #8 Bloodlust
Rating: Cold: R, Bloodlust: R,
Hypothermic: Donald and Goofy take Sora back to Traverse against his wishes because he has hypothermia...mwahahahaha. [Warnings for Yaoi and talks of sex also nudity]
My Secret: Ever since halloween town Sora has taken on a secret. He has found himself lusting after blood, needing to taste it, much like a vampire would...but this time he wants a certain type of blood...and theres only one way to get it. [Warnings for yaoi, possible lemon and blood sucking]
Sora sneezed and shivered. What was it about this place? Why the hell was it so cold? Maybe it had something to do with the fact he had just gotten out of the water. Yeah, he was gonna die. Donald and Goofy were staring at him, he could feel it. He growled, taking a deep breath and straightening himself out. It made him ten times colder, but at least Donald and Goofy wouldn't worry.
"Maybe we should go back to traverse town..." Donald suggested. The town's name hit Sora straight in his heart like a bullet.
"No," he said a little too loud, "We're never going back..."
"But...don't we have to?"
"NO!" Sora yelled, wrapping his arms around him the best he could and rubbing his hands over his shoulders. Anything for warmth.
"Why Sora?" Goofy asked, "What happened?" Sora shook his head, but he knew darn well what had happened. It was that Yuffie girl...the way she hung all over him. He growled and glared at the snowy ground.
"Nothing happened..."
"Are you sure?"
"DAMMIT YES! NOTHING HAPPENED STOP PRYING!" Sora screamed. He growled and ran back to the ship.
When he got there he decided it would be good to board it so he wouldn't die from lack of heat. Donald and Goofy came back after him and boarded the ship. None of them spoke and Sora actually fell asleep, so the very worried Donald and Goofy turned the ship around and headed for Traverse.
The first people they saw there were Aerith and Yuffie. Aerith seemed a little concerned about Sora's condition since Sora was cold and his lips were blue so she forced them to come back to their apartment in Traverse town.
When they got there Aerith pointed out a bed, Donald and goofy nodded and places sora on it.
Leon entered the room, his eyes landing on Sora.
"Why is he here?" Leon asked. There was no emotion in his voice, but he was hurt...Sora's state was worrying him.
"He's got hypothermia...we need to warm him up...and we need someone to -er- well..." Aerith blushed, trying to get the words out. Leon looked at her and nodded, understanding.
"And since Goofy and Donald have fur and you and Yuffie are girls..." he said, stopping short and nodding again. "I'll do it..." Aerith nodded and herded the crowd of people out of the room. Leon forced back a cry of delight and a smile.
He approached the bed and knelt next to Sora's body.
"You have no idea how long I have been waiting to do this..." Leon whispered softly. He slowly stripped Sora of his wet clothing, trying not to make his condition worse. Leon stared at his body, he could hardly breathe.
Leon pulled the blankets over Sora and while his heart was pounding, he pulled off his own clothing. Somehow he wished Sora was awake right now, but after that fight they had...Leon sighed and settled himself under the covers next to Sora and brought them in around them.
Leon's heart was racing, Sora was so close to him he could feel is breath on his neck. Leon pulled Sora close to him in his arms and sighed against his neck. Sora stirred, feeling the warmth.
"...mm," he said, snuggling closer to Leon. Leon tensed slightly, but then he let himself relax.
"L..e..on," Sora whispered still asleep. Leon smiled and kissed his forehead.
"I'm here..." he whispered against Sora's lips. Sora's eyes opened slowly and stared into Leon's eyes and for a brief moment he actually felt safe and warm then he realized their position.
Sora screamed. Leon knew that was going to happen and he couldn't help but smile. He released the small boy and allowed him to jump from the bed, wondering when he was going to notice the fact he was naked.
Sora looked down at his body and his jaw dropped. Leon was trying so hard not to laugh.
"...WHAT HAPPENED!?" Sora demanded.
"Haven't I told you not to fall through the ice you idiot?"
"I didn't fall through the ice!"
"Then explain to me why you were hypothermic when you came here?" Sora let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.
"So we didn't um..." Sora blushed. Leon laughed full heartedly.
"No! Aerith just ask me to safe your pathetic life."
"Hey, I'm not pathetic!" Leon smiled.
"Proove it."
"How?" Leon smirked.
"Aren't you a little...cold?"
This one was kind of funny...haha XDD
Sorry it's only one tonight my mom is rushing me to get off