♥ The Basics ♥
-Name- Danielle Alexandra Mattie Wingate
-Age- 17.....18 this october
-Sex- Female, atleast last time I checked I was
-Location- Davie Fl/ Ft.Pierce Fl
-Sexual Preference- Mainly straight with a slight bi curious nature
♥ Your Favorites ♥
-Bands/Artists- The desparacidos, Coal Chamber, Cold, Brand New, Taking Back Sunday
-Movies- Slc Punk, Kids, Requiem for a dream, Trainspotting, Virgin Suicides, Nightmare on Elm Street, Halloween *all of them*
-Books- Requiem for a dream, Invisible Monsters, Pure, Geek Love
-Food- Pastina
♥ Do you ♥
-Drink- Not really I cant really stand the taste enough to do it
-Smoke- Yes, siree bob...or well the ganga I smoke
-Drugs- Yes, siree bob
♥ Opinions ♥
-Abortion- I believe that there are some suitiable reasons to do it such as rape and if you are unable to have the baby but I dont think you should go out and just kill the baby cause you weren't in the mood to wear a condom that day....that was a choice you made and you shouldnt punish another human being for it
-Suicide- I dont really have sympathy for these people. They did it cause they believed there was nothing to live for but in the end they only end up hurting the people they left behind because there the ones who have to go through life without you when they cared for you and they always end up thinking it was there fault.
-War- I dont really agree with it most of the time but there are usually reasons that we are doing it and when they're valid then yes we need it but sometimes...its just unneccisary
-Gay Marriages- If you are in love then you should be able to get married...I dont care if its two guys or two girls...its just love
-Self Mutilatioin- I have more sympathy for these people then I do for the people who kill themselves these people go through life with that much pain that they need to hurt themseleves to get rid of the emmotional pain they are feeling. These people need serious help because obviously they are trying to cope with there problems but they cant
-Current Government- I think it works, dispite the fact that we have some morons in the office every once and awhile it has proved us good so far...plus obviously there is something good about them if they got elected
♥ Random ♥
-What do you like best about yourself- My eyes...
-Why should we accept you- Cause uh the co mod told me to come and I let her in my community ahhahahah jk I dont know
-What will you bring to this community- A sense of fashion...no not really...how about brutal honesty and the ability to help with anything you guys would like help with...not to mention I can promote a ton from my own community
-Anything else you want to add- My friend carla who is sitting next to me is looking at porn.... just thought I'd share