[x]Name: Delaine
[x]Age: 16
[x]Sex: Vagina
[x]Location: TN
[x]Tattoo’s or Piercings: 12 piercings (5 each ear-- four lobe, one cartilage; eyebrow; lip)
[x]Nicknames: Lainey, Bob, Bobert
[x]Where did you hear about us? Best friend<3 (i.e.
ohmygod_love […Favourites…]
[x]Music Genre: All
[x]Band(s): Shadows Fall
[x]Colour(s): Blue&Black
[x]Book(s): CANT THINK!
[x]Author(s): FUCK
[x]Store(s): ...I dont have one
[…Word Association…]
[x]Beauty: Deep
[x]Rose: Petals
[x]Dancing: Pointe
[x]Blue: Beautiful
[x]Sun: Rays
[x]Shake: Skin
[x]Dry: Climate/California/Florida
[x]Drugs: Addiction
[x]Alcohol: Cancer
[x]Abortion: ..no comment
[…This or That…]
[x] Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi
[x] Bush or Kerry: ..Kerry
[x] Foreign or American: American
[x] Blue or Pink: Blue
[x] Boy or Girl: Boy
[x] Day or Night: Night
[x] Sunny or Cloudy: Cloudy
[x] Summer or Winter: Winter
[…And finally...]
:*:Promote us in at least two communities and show us the links: ((not until im accepted; sorry!))
:*:Post no less than 4 and no more than 7 photos of yourself:
Post one 100x100 photo of yourself for the members list:
P.s. If you need help with co-modsssss.
I'm your..(wo)man! <3