I would like to apologize in advance to anyone I inadvertantly give the middle finger to today. This morning said finger had an altercation with a pan from the oven and is now slightly burnt, and covered in vitamin E. At present, resident cat is now giving me crack eyes and contorting 1h201imself around me to try and get to said finger to lick/
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I have been informed by the management that I am behind on my photo posts by about 3 incriminating incidents events, 2 retro nights and a party no less.
This will be amended shortly, after I've eaten and slept. If it isn't, feel free to fetchez la vache!
By watching the afore posted video you are implying acceptance of an agreement that I, _pandaemonium_ bear no responsibility for any physical or mental damage you may incur as a direct/indirect result of viewing it...
Scene 1 opens: Random musings from a sleep-depraved brain issue forth out of the darkness. A dishevelled and slightly crazy looking lady wearing her nightgown backwards and inside-out comes into view as the source of the utterances. Cute brown tabby waltzes across stage and trips our protagonist, who collapses cursing. Cute brown tabby prances off
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