What is it with all this love nonsense?! Stop it already!
I'm not jealous, so there is no need to even suggest it. I just simply think it's rather ironic that almost everybody has some type of...love interest all of a sudden. Oh, whatever.
Oh, and erm...thanks to whoever sent me that flower. It was...um, nice.
With Valentine's Day quickly approaching, Pansy felt the same as she did any other day. The girl didn't really see any good reason for some holiday based upon 'love.' She didn't seem to share her opinion on the matter of it with anyone else in the school. They were all rushing around talking about the Ball and who they would have as a date. Like
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Post this in any one of your characters' journals, and people comment (anonymously or not) about something they like about your characters, your writing style, etc
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I've never really seen the purpose of Valentine's Day. If you have a..."significant other," then why dont you just tell them that you love them every other day? I mean, seriously. It's not like everyone needs a special day just for something so...useless.
Yeah, so the point of this update was basically to say how useless I think Valentine's Day is
Pansy was waiting in the common room for Mori. The two had planned to cause a bit of mischief since the school needed some. She sighed and sat down on a chair closest to her and waited for her good friend.
Pansy sighed as she walked down the hall, which was packed with students. Luckily, it was her last class of the day and she could return to her common room. With a roll of her eyes, she pushed her way through a group of younger Gryffindor students, glaring at them as she passed
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Pansy watched as the house elf scurried around, putting the finishing touches on Millicent's party decorations. She went back upstairs to leave a note for Millicent to come downstairs by 6:15. She had told everyone to be there by 6:00 but she figured giving them at least a little time would be good
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Okay. Well, we all know that Millicent's birthday is tomorrow. I suppose we should do something for the occasion. Plus, it might give me another excuse to see Parker again.
So, with that being all said, you're all invited over to my manor at 6pm. And you're coming whether you like it or not. Got it? Good. :]