woo alright i havent updated in a long time. on friday clarissa left school early at 1 to come to ct and got to my house at um i dont remember. then we were waiting for my dad to get home and take us to get our lips pierced but then he got into a motorcycle accident and had to wait for the cops. it was nothing..he just hit the bumper of a taxi and it could have just been scrubbed off but ew spazztic taxi man. so then we finally went. and the first thing we noticed was THE PIERCER WAS FUCKING HOT AS FUCK oh my. we were spazzing. we just walked in..looked at him..and looked at eachother all excitedly and sharing thoughts. and so we filled out the forms and i made clarissa go first. then she said it didnt hurt at all so i felt better and went and he was being sexy and "do you have any questions?" and i was like 'uh..no?" and he todl me how to care for my piercing and shit and then he was like "im mat by the way" [i spell it with"ok im gonna clean it with this..it tastes like dirt" and being t bcuz its so much better] and i said my name and he was liek 'thats a cool name' *dies* hes sexy andddd his eyes were great and i was all staring into them when he was all making hte dot on my lip and stuff and then he said "ok do you feel like youre ready now" and i said "yes" and he was like "ok take a deep breath" and then just put it in and it was GREAT. and i was thinking oh god this beautiful boy is shoving a sharp object thru my lip how FABULOUS and he kept askign if i was ok czu i was like semi spazzing i was just liek alert or w/e. not really spazzing. but yea and he was like.."ok im just gonna put this in now" nad then h ewas like "ok im just gonna put the ball on now THIS PART MIGHT HURT" and i like jumped and was ilek "what?" and he laugehd at me sexily and was like 'im just kidding!' so yea. it was great. it was just numb it didnt really hurt. and yea. ive been trying not to touch it and stuff bcuz it will get infected easily bcuz hands r dirty but i cant help it ahh alsdkjf. but yea.
then we went to debbys house. the kevin lad was making fun of me for talking wierd and i was being obsessed with his great black polo shirt with a little bleeding heart on it from heartcoreclothing.com! it was GRAND. i want it heh. and yea it was fun. it was just me, clarissa, debby, and gary. and then katt came later. it was fun. woo. my parents got us at like 10. i made a cool bead bracelet WOO its so great with like little stars and turquoise beads =].
last night i woke up needing a drink bcuz i was drooling so much. i couldnt like...close my mouth all the way or something bcuz of the obnoxious oversized lip ring [they put a bigger one so if it swells it wont constrict my lip or something and so i have cleaning room] so i stumbled around and looked for my old soda from the night before heh. but it was only a few hours old. and then i woke up at like 6 to my mom doing dishes and then me and clarissa woke up at 930 to the drunkard blasting terrible music.
clarissa cut my hair at about like 12 or something. it probably took an hour or so. then i spiked it with hairspray and it was FAB. then at around 3 trinh and ting came to give us valentines and i went with them to deliver valentines to other people with them. we went to staples to see kevin and rob. haha they are freaks in their staples outfits. and then my dad called yelling about a dinner engagement and hw i didnt have house keys with me and sooooooo yea. and he was like 'ill leave the keys under the dog bowl' so yea. and we went to debbys and hten went home. i dont remember what we did but then at like..730 or so trinh and ting came over and we hung our for like 15 minutes and then gary and jon came so i had like 42567 people in my kitchen and i thought m yparents would spazz at me but my dad was like excited and talking cool to my friends liek a beard. so yea. hmmmmmmmmmm lakdsj. then trinh and ting had to leave and jon and gary left like 15 minutes after. jon was arguing and "frontin" with my gerbils. it was fab. hes a beard. but yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ldsjaf then um we watched old videos that we made and videos of me and amber and stuff like that and..thats about it? ah im tired aldkjf. bye <3