I was bored

Jan 09, 2008 22:46

1. How long has it been since you’ve ridden a schoolbus?
I guess since band, so 2 years

2. What do you think of frogs?
I like the tiny ones that live in mayonnaise jars with sticks and leaves, to re-create what they are uesd to.

3. What’s the worst Christmas present you’ve ever gotten?
Clothes. Finding out I was adopted (JUST kidding)

4. Suppose you *had* to get some sort of tattoo, right now. What would you get?
A bad-ass angel holding up a cross. ON MY BACK

5. Which would you rather die from, burning to death or “bird flu”?
Bird flu. HAH.

6. If weed was legal, would you smoke it?
I'd try it maybe. MAYBE. Probably not though

7. How about if heroin was legal?

8. Do you use any kind of lip gloss/lip balm?

9. Do you like pumpkin pie?

10. Who do you want to be President (it doesn’t have to be an actual candidate)?
Ron Paul!

11. If you were alive in the 1960s, would you have been a hippie?
I would have sold them oregano and called it marijuana

12. Do you like dinosaurs? Which is your favorite?
COMPSOGNATHUS! I did a report on 'em in 1st grade and I drew a picture AND IT WAS GOOD :>

13. What genre of music makes you want to shoot your ears off?
The Outburst

14: What was the last board game you played?

15. Would you let your grandma set you up on a blind date?
If she did that would be scary (she is not alive)

16. Speaking of which, ever been hit on by a much, much older person?
Liz's mom

17. You can’t find the remote. Where is the first place you look?
The table

18. Where would you rather live, in a barn or in an inner-city church basement?
barn = no one around. inner-city church = poor people with guns.
I choose the church

19. How do you feel about Hello Kitty?
I like the pissed-off penguin guy

20. Paper or plastic?

21: Compost heaps: yes or no?

22: What kind of socks are you wearing right now?

23. Are you part of a “subculture”?

24. Do you type with all your fingers, or just 2?
ALL of them. Quite literally!

25. Do you believe in astrology?
I believe it's stupid

26. Are you good at math?
I like to think so!

27. Are you politically correct?
I try not to be, because being PC is super gay

28. Do you know what a semicolon is?
It's a shell of its former self (colon joke! ROTFULMAYO..)

29. Have you ever worn a Hawaiian shirt?
Yes. AND while in Hawai'i. I think they hate me.

30. Have you ever dated someone you didn’t really like? Why?
YES. I will leave her identity to be ambiguous

31. Do you resent members of the opposite sex?
Not ALL of them

32. Atlantic or Pacific?

33. What animal do you most resemble?
Uh...bear? D:

34. How often do you eat macaroni and cheese?
Had it the other day, don't have it very often. In the future, however, this will probably change, since I learned one box = $0.50

35. Are you into philosophy? If so, what are your philosophical influences?
Kinda. Jesus, Gandhi, Hitler

36. What was the best concert you’ve ever been to?
oohh....not counting theatrical ones (Blue Man Group, Blast!, et al), it's a toss-up betwixt the Less Than Jake/Reel Big Fish/Streetlight Manifesto concert and the Muse concert

37. If someone gave you $100,000 to shave your head, would you?
HELLS TO THE YEAH that shit grows back

38. Have you ever met a hermaphrodite?
Their name is Linatadianatric

39. Do you sweat a lot?
Yes D: Band kids know!

40. What, if any, hair products do you use?
Vive Pro conditioner for men or something. It's always on sale for like $2 so hell yeah

41. Do you enjoy thrill rides (roller coasters, etc.)?
Sorta! I used to hate them but I tried Tower of Terror and LIKED IT.

42. Have you ever seen a 3-D movie?

43. What should someone do if they deliberately want to make a bad impression on you?
If they're a girl: Provide no nudes. If a guy: Provide nudes

44. Have you ever drank a whole bottle of liquor by yourself?
What do you think I've been doing to entertain me during this quiz?

45. Does anyone know you’re filling out this survey right now?
NOPE. Well I might tell Liz now.

46. Do you smoke cigarettes, and if so, what kind?

47. What word processing program is on your computer?
OpenOffice! It's free and for cool people

48. Have you ever read “The Odyssey”? What did you think of it?
Do not think so

49. What’s the worst insult anyone’s ever given you?
The only one that's ever affected me was FAT D:

50. The best compliment?
When people notice my sweet muscles B) and funny jokes B) and huge penis

51. Do you sleep with your door open or closed?
Open a crack so the air circulates and so I can hear/murder a burglar

52. What is your favorite item from your favorite fast-food restaurant?
In-n-out: #2 animal style.
Taco Bell: #3 or #2 (HAH) with chicken

53. Do small children like you?
I hope so! They can be cute! Until they're annoying and I tear them in half

54. Do animals like you?
Yes. I am the ____ Whisperer. The turtles are Jami's.

55. Would you rather be too hot or too cold?
Too cold. Then I can just put more clothes/dead babies on

56. What’s your favorite beer?
Out of the like, 3 I've tried, the Sam Adams Boston Lager. But that isn't saying much ('cos I don't really like it)

57. Have you ever lived in a college dorm? If not, do you think you could handle it?

58. Have you ever met a psychotic person (officially diagnosed)?
I hope so!

59. Which show sucks less: “Laguna Beach” or “Wheel Of Fortune”?
Wheel of Fortune, duh.

60. Do you like spicy food?

61. Do you read poetry? If so, who is your favorite poet?

62. What else could you be doing, other than filling out this survey?
Scouring Actionscript forums for the antidote.

63. What is your earliest memory?
Jockin' the bitches, slappin' the hoes

64. What is something you consider “classy”?
A professional sports player helping someone else up (after knockin' 'em down) on the opposition.

65. What video/computer games do you like?
First-person shooters. Only very violent ones. They make me want to kill, and that appeals to me.

66. Do you know your IQ, and if so, what is it?
WELL, quiz, there is no standard definition of "IQ", and as such no one can really "know" their "IQ". But I took one online once and it was like 130-140 or something

67. Do you drink TAB?
I have before

69. Do you use abbreviations such as LOL or OMG outside of IMs?
no please.

70. What is your favorite vegetable?
Toss-up between corn or carrots.

71. Sweet or sour?

72. What’s the longest airplane ride you’ve ever been on?
Going to the UK

73. Do you regularly take any medication?

74. What’s the closest you’ve ever come to dying?
uhh...the only big accident I can remember is when my darling brother John decided to, one day after school, swing his hand back full force into my face. But I didn't die. I bled a lot though. Thanks, John.

75. What are you really proud of that not many people know about?
Judo world champion

76. Are you really into high school or college sports?
No please

77. Do you regularly spend money on things you don’t need?
Recently, no. I'm a bit proud of that! OH WOOPS there goes THAT question

78. Have you ever practiced archery?
In P.E. But that's not really archery

79. Do you eat the cherry on top of your ice cream sundae?
WTF no

80. What does the color yellow make you think of?

81. What is your local newspaper called?
I don't read the newspaper

82. What city do you wish was your hometown?
Seattle, Portland, Glasgow, Honolulu

83. You’ve just farted loudly in public. What do you do?
Laugh a LOT

84. Have you ever had a lucid dream?

85. How about sleep paralysis?
Hells to the no

86. How often do you dream about zombies?
They're dreams?

87. What kind of accent do you have (EVERYONE has one)?

88. Do you think mushrooms are cool-looking?
In electron microscopes, yes.

98. Are you dyslexic?

90. Do you think it’s interesting to study religions other than the one you practice?

91. Have you ever felt an earthquake?

92. Suppose you’re the greatest painter who ever lived, but you can only paint one last picture before you die. What is your painting of?
Stick figures having a giant, nasty orgy. That way, someone will undoubtedly pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for an incredibly grotesque, amateurish picture just because I did it. Then I will have truly left my mark.

93. What is the sexiest color of finger/toenail polish?
Clear. Oh yeah, girl. Damn.

94. What is the worst job you could possibly imagine having?
Anything to do with waste of some sort

95. Do you think pigs are cute?
Tiny ones that talk like Babe are

96. Do you pay your own bills?
I will be paying every dime on my own soon D: + :D = :|

97. How many methods of contraception are you aware of?
Abstinence, pulling out (;D), those little Y-shaped things girls can shove in their cervices, male condom, FEmale condom, removal of the uterus, being gay

98. Do you own ripped jeans that weren’t ripped on purpose?

99. Can you give a good back massage?
Girls: Yes. Guys: I don't do massages

100. What do you do before you go to sleep?
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