something FUN for you crazy kids!
Fill this out about me and I'll do the same for you. :D
1. Who is someone I've been crushin on since forever?
2. Name 3 things I can't live without.
3. Who is my favorite teacher as well as my least favorite?
4. Can you name someone I've been in love with?
5. Who do you think I'll end up marrying out of the people we know right now and why?
6. What profession am I most likely to take on?
7. I'm a perfume, what do I smell like?
8. I'm a store, what all do I carry?
9. Holy shi, I'm getting married tomorrow, who are my bridesmaids and who is my maid of honor?
10. I'm a shoe, desribe me.
11. What is my favorite slang?
12. If my life was a play, what genre would it be, who would be the characters, what would be the plot, and where would we be located?
13. Think Hollywood, compare me to a star based on looks/talent/whatever.
14. How do I feel about the war, son?
15. If I was an operator for the West Virginia University Research Center, what would my name be and why would I be calling your house?
16. Do I have a job? If so, where and why do I relate to that job?
17. Guess what I'm a city, which one am I?
18. I can date ______ as long as they're not total drunks and I can date those as long as their name is _______. (fill in the blanks and when you send this one to your friends, replace drunks with whatever suits you)
19. I think ______ is one of the greatest poets of our generation.
20. I'm the President, what is the first thing I'm making legal and the first I'm making illegal?
21. Turn on your TV, there I am hosting for what channel?
22. What is my dream college?
23. Its 10 years down the road, describe my life.
24. And the _____ goes to. What award am I most likely to win?
25. Uh-oh I'm in jail Why?
26. Name five of my favorite celebs. Come on, you can do it
27. What was the best night I've ever had with the opposite sex romantically?
28. Remember the time it was the worst night? Good because I don't so refresh my memory, please.
29. AHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHH Where the hell did the cheese go? Fuk The cheese is gone? How do I react?
30. Dum dum duuuuuuum Who was the last person I kissed and who will probably the next?