Odd After Taste: you know what you should do?
Odd After Taste: write a childrens book.
Odd After Taste: while high,
RIPPINrigamortis: ?
RIPPINrigamortis: no way
Odd After Taste: if youre at that sort of level
Odd After Taste: lol
RIPPINrigamortis: its too intense for young minds
Odd After Taste: but i think you could come up with a very clever book.. about a rabbit, maybe a duck.
RIPPINrigamortis: ill write you a story
RIPPINrigamortis: right NOW
Odd After Taste: hahah
Odd After Taste: go for it!
RIPPINrigamortis: a rabbit was hopping along
RIPPINrigamortis: and it came to a big blue lake
RIPPINrigamortis: and it didnt know how to swim
RIPPINrigamortis: and he left his floaties at home
RIPPINrigamortis: so this duck comes bu
RIPPINrigamortis: by*
RIPPINrigamortis: and says he'll give him a ride if he does 3 tasks
RIPPINrigamortis: the rabbit's up for it.
RIPPINrigamortis: task 1- get crackers. task 2- mow the lawn task 3- buy somebeer
RIPPINrigamortis: so the rabbit does
RIPPINrigamortis: and the duck gives him a ride to the other side
Odd After Taste: lol the end?
RIPPINrigamortis: TADA
Odd After Taste: but.. what happens!?
Odd After Taste: does he get eat'n on the other side?
RIPPINrigamortis: no
RIPPINrigamortis: he just fucking hops away