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My journal
its 11;11 and my konstantine is M.I.A.
Feb 11, 2006 10:30
kay so i'm home. and bored. so i'm gonna update.
snows gay.
schools lame.
these pictures are really old...but pretty cute.
HOV nigga
for tom...of course.
i don't remember when these were from? :
cheeseburger cheeseburger: LOL
the night we went to kings park:
LMFAO. i get my camera back and find this. = priceless.
the day me and kathleen drove around all day and took pretty pictures:
we drove into the sun. it was beautiful.
school = lame.
dance party outside club lamb:
we know how to party.
mac and cheese.
ellen's stardust whored in the bathroom for kathleen.
just another manic monday:
nigga who you beeeein?
alexxx mussafi what up?!
[ps] RIP my camera.
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