Cause I'm sitting here doing nothing.... instead of sleeping, I'm going to review Torchwood.
YAY FOR NEW TORCHWOOD! I've been so fandom deprived lately I'm surprised my brain hasn't imploded.
So blah blah blah. I stare at Cardiff and I'm all *GLEE I'VE BEEN THERE!!!* which is all kinds of awesome. BUT, I LOVE this fact of Jack being a dad!!! EEP OMG it's like.... ten awesomes and SO SWEET and I want total flashbacks to him and his girl... That's just wicked adoreable. I also love how natrual she calls him 'dad' and it doesn't feel awkward or anything.
Actually.... Ianto aside, who for some strange reason is annoying me slightly (more so, would you believe, then Gwen!) everything feels very awesome...... and natural. I LOVED Gwen's "Oh god, I'm going into England. Goodbye forever." ('cause EEH I'VE BEEN ON THAT BRIDGE! HEE!*
Lol. The doctor guy shot Jack and I was all like OMG JACK!!!! ....before, you know, I remembered he can't die and all. It's a shame really.... I really liked that doctor.....
And omg the end totally gave me chills.... kind of total YAY for Gwen.... and then OMFG about Jack... and then hot, lusty Ianto kisses.... and then boom.