Some 24 rantings.
I love this season. I love seeing Starbuck not actually being Starbuck... I love her whole range of sweet and innocent - you know, being in love with Cole, being SO NICE to Chloe at the begining... even when they were torturing her, and she was all, "I don't know anything!" ... and the total flip side of her being kick ass... shooting people in cold blood and running around with a gun shooting at Jack down a very crowded street.......
I love Chloe being in charge of CTU!!!! HOW FRAKKING AWESOME IS THAT?! You know I never actually thought about it... but now that she is it makes total sense. I'm so proud! And she's so awesome, running around issuing orders, not hesitating - I don't blame her ONE BIT for not wanting Jack to actually be dead... she was awesome anyways.
But... god... Jack Bauer, you break my heart. And you know the one thing that is really frightening me?? We have four episodes left of 24 EVER. Like... ever. We may never come back from the end of this season. And I'm so afraid that means they are going to make Jack go above and beyond all the other crazy he's pulled off since. I'm genuinely afraid something quite horrible is going to happen.
And you know what the most awful thing is? Right now... I kind of hate him. I hate that he killed Starbuck (not because it was Starbuck, but because it was in cold blood for no other reason than his emotions) I hate that he threatened Chloe. (and that is because it's Chloe, for godssake! HOW DARE HE?!?!?)
Jack is no longer Jack. And I refuse to believe it's all because of Renee. That it's soley because of Renee. 'Cause sure, he loved her, but he'd known her for 2 seconds! He couldn't have been THAT in love with her after one sex session and his guilty conscious. And I don't really enjoy Jack being this far gone. It's not very enjoyable for me, 'CAUSE HE'S BEING AN ASS!! I really hate how after EVERYTHING everyone (read: Chloe) has done for him... he's just turned around, spat on it all, and started killing people.
This is the first time - EVER - he's gone against a direct order from the Prez. He's forcing his BEST FRIEND - probably the only one he has left - to hunt him down and lie to him. How the frak does he think Chloe feels about this?! My poor girl!
It's just kind of really crappy and sad. I'm sad that Jack has been reduced to this. He is so much more than that.