Don's camera got here this week, so I've taken some pictures today in the hot sun.
We've got a TON of plums growing on the tree out back - but they're falling off before they get ripe. Boo.
Grapes! I'm pretty sure they're wine grapes, so no good for eating.
Pears, too! Our backyard is a veritable fruit basket. Too bad they're not ready to eat, either.
My hosta seems pretty happy so far. The other plants, however - not so good...
My dahlia's hate me. They're totally dead.
This is our stupid back deck. The people who put it together are idiots. Imagine two months from now, we'll have a new deck and the top part of the house will be moved out about 3 feet with windows. I can't wait until our stupid kitchen is done.
Then, I today I rode my bike in the hot sun to deliver the baby cardigan....
It's a little long in the arms, but the parents were totally stoked. Jones, however, mistook it for food....
Mmmmmm... wool/cotton blend! Yum.
Back on the bicycle after resting at the park....
I am still sitting in front of the fan - but I've got about 4 inches started on my Sizzle pattern! Woo!