So how crazy is it that last night was the first time ever that the Plain White T's played a headlining show in Toronto?
It was also my 10th time seeing them overall (in 5 1/2 years), and in the same complex (but different room) as the very first time.
My manager seems to not believe in giving me days off, so I had to work until 6, and he wouldn't even let me put on a T's CD because he's a jerk. Then I had to run around looking for a functioning bank machine to deposit my paycheque so I would have money for merch... which I didn't end up buying anyway because I didn't like any of the designs.
So I got there just after doors, but whatever, I wasn't about to fight for a front row spot anyway, at least not til after Cute Is What We Aim For because their fans scare me. Everyone was really tame though and it was weird. A local band, The Sea Inside, opened. They were alright, but I spent half their set trying to get a drink because the bartender sucked at his job.
Just before CIWWAF, one of their songs came over the house system, and everyone cheered as if they weren't going to be hearing that song later anyway. The sound guys shut it off and then Delilah came on, and it was amazing.
That frigging Soulja Boy song came on and can someone please explain to me why everyone loves it? IT IS SO STUPID.
I dislike CIWWAF, A LOT, as you will see from the pictures below... where you can't even see them, but you can see me giving them a thumbs down.
I started to go up closer when they finished, and had a pretty decent spot at stage right (near the boy I used to like, but don't, because he's such a little player and spent the whole night making out with some girl he just met. Which was funny, actually. And even funnier when I realized I wasn't jealous because if it were me I would have been like "get the fuck off, I'm trying to watch the show.")
So yeah, PWT came out and opened with Our Time Now. After that I don't remember the exact setlist, but I know that the encore was, of course, Hey There Delilah, and then Take Me Away. The setlist was, approximately, (meaning not in order but I THINK all songs are accounted for):
-Our Time Now
-Come Back To Me
-Friends Don't Let Friends Dial Drunk
-Write You A Song
-You And Me
-Radios In Heaven (more on that later)
-Figure It Out
-So Damn Clever
-Tearin' Us Apart
-Let Me Take You There
-Hey There Delilah
-Take Me Away
Now, some notes. Right before Write You A Song, Tom introduced it as "The next Delilah." And I really wish he didn't because as much as I still love Delilah, I don't want what happened to it to happen to Write You A Song, I really don't. Also the crowd screamed SO LOUD just because he said "Delilah"... like, no, they're not PLAYING Delilah right now, you fools.
Right before Hate, they talked about how they shot the video in Toronto, which I'm still bitter about because I found out about that a week after it happened. Also, apparently we are a truly lame city because when they talked about it, Dave was like, "on Queen Street!" and everyone cheered because apparently it's cool when bands name-drop streets where you live?
Going into the show, Figure It Out and Write You A Song were probably my favourite songs off Every Second Counts. Leaving the show, Write You A Song still is but So Damn Clever has moved way up the list because it just fit so amazingly well with the guy I like being there and being confusing and kind of a player (he was all shy and cute when I said hi and was teasing me and then grabbed me and hugged me when they did Radios In Heaven... which I'll get to... and then hit on at least seven different girls that I saw.) ANYWAY.
You may or may not remember a post I made about a month ago about a petition to have them play Radios In Heaven for me. So the story there is that my friend Lindsey passed away 3 years ago this December, and on my way to her wake I had "Stop" playing, because it was mostly upbeat and I was trying to cheer myself up/numb myself a little. I totally forgot about Radios In Heaven til it came on, and then I started crying and had it on repeat for days afterwards. So I really wanted to see them play it... and every other show I've been to they've been opening or it was a festival, so they had to push the latest album. But this was headlining... so I started a petition and e-mailed it to Mike and De'Mar on MySpace. Mike replied the next day and said they'd try to play it.
So during the show, Tom got his acoustic guitar... at that point they'd already done Write You A Song (before which I freaked a little too because I thought "maybe this is it..." and then it wasn't) and I thought "They already did Write You A Song and it's way too early for Hey There Delilah..." and then Tom introduced it saying they had a special request for the song, and said "So whoever you are, I hope you're out there" and I almost cried right then... I missed the intro on my video, but I got the full song (see below, outside the cut) and it made my life. My friend/the guy I like broke away from the girl he was sucking face with all night when they started to grab me and hug me when they started and yell "they're playing your song! I signed your petition!" So that's why the first 20 seconds or so will probably make you nauseous.
Basically there are three things for which PWTs will always own my heart:
1: second time I saw them when I bought a t-shirt, Stop and a button/sticker pack, only to have the CD and button/sticker pack stolen. Tom gave me new ones free. This was in 2002 when they really weren't making a lot of money and probably couldn't afford to give out free CDs.
2: when they opened for Jimmy Eat World just before JEW's "Futures" album came out and it was a really small show that sold out even before I knew they were playing, I went down anyway and Tom put me on the guestlist.
3: last night, hearing them actually play Radios In Heaven, and knowing it was just for me. <333333
They played Figure It Out right after Radios, and I kind of couldn't enjoy it nearly as much as I would have because I was pretty emotional.
After the show (I refused to sing along to Delilah because everyone else was and it was SO LOUD and ridiculous so I just stood there in silent protest), I lurked outside the buses like a creeper. Not that many people waited, and I've met them just about every time I've seen them except Bamboozle this year, so I normally wouldn't have because it was cold but I really wanted to find at least one and say thank you for Radios.
For the record, not one member of CIWWAF made an appearance the whole time I was there - the show ended at like 10:45 maybe and I left at 12:45.
So yeah. There were maybe 15 people when De'Mar and Tim came out. And I swear Tim is a ninja... I didn't even see him come out, I was just talking to De'Mar and then I look over my shoulder and Tim and I are literally standing back-to-back. Awkward. So I got a picture with De'Mar, then one with Tim (while my non-boy and his friends were comparing facial hair with De'Mar and it was weird. Haha), then went back to make fun of Non-Boy's facial hair... and when I turned around again, Tim was gone, and I hadn't seen him leave... so yeah, ninja. Watch out.
The crowd dwindled down to like five of us and then Dave came out. Let me just say... nicest guy ever. He stood there and talked to us for about 15 minutes, and then went to try and get Tom and Mike to come out. He talked a lot about touring Canada and how hard it is to get on tours that come here, or how booking agents don't like to book here or whatever... but they're gonna try to come here more. So yeah, he's awesome.
Tom and Mike never made an appearance. Dave said Tom was on the phone and Mike was showering. While we were talking to Dave, I saw Tom come out and get on the bus but I never noticed Mike, but Dave said after he went to get them that Mike was in his bunk and probably asleep, and Tom was still on the phone. We gave up waiting at about 12:45 because we pretty much couldn't feel our extremities anymore. It was a little disappointing, but I'm not one of those people who thinks bands "owe" me something... plus I got 3 of 5 and got to say thank you. De'Mar remembered my MySpace message and apologized for not replying to it, so that was nice too. I would've liked to thank Mike because he's the one who replied on MySpace, but what can you do? I appreciate that he showered, because if he had come out without showering he probably would have been gross. Heh.
So yeah I went home and thawed out, then tried to upload everything on facebook but my internet died so I watched the end of Kindergarten Cop and the beginning of a movie called
Anonymous Rex and it was the best movie ever made but it was 3AM by that point so I went to bed.
But if you want to skip that, video is
here, pictures are
here and have a good night. :)