
Dec 28, 2004 01:56

i just had one of the most amazing/scariest/fucking COOLEST expiriences of my life.

so it was Mack's 16th birthday party was today, and he invited about 15 of us over to hang out. Chandra,brought her Ouija board since Andrea asked. now Mack's house, its haunted. we knew that. his room specifically. he sees a girl in there every night, has heard voices, etc etc. but i never really believed because i’m always skeptical. until the night a few weeks ago when we camped outside his house and saw something, a person's silhouette, in his window. so we thought we might get something with the board, but nothing like we got.

we tried for a while and nothing was working, then mack started putting his hands on it. and it moved and started spelling things out. to make things easier i wrote everything down so i could read it back to them. we asked "are we celebrating someone's birthday today" and the thing moved to "6ymac16" and we're like.. uh. that might be mack's 16. its probably warming up. so we kept trying. "who are we speaking to" and it moved to "uhfherherveronica". her her veronica. "are you veronica?" she answered "dead." okay. scary shit. my friend casey was practically pissing himself by now, and a few of my friends had to calm him down.

now she had warmed up. her answers were coming clearer and faster.

us: how old are you
her: 16
are you dead: yes
when did you die: 1958
(mack's house is old enough)

we didn't ask it anything and suddenly it was moving. "i will find you." wtf, right? we freak out. before we can ask anything, it writes "room 17th, x year" we ponder this awhile. mack's house doesn't have a 17th room, the school doesn't, and the x might mean... the last year. we ask for clarity. "on 17th year i will find mack"

mack is freaking out. i mean, he's seen this ghost. and now he's talking to her. and it sounds like he wants to hurt him.

us: "why do you like mack?"
her: "garage"
(mack's room was the garage in 1958)
her: "mack's room"

we're freaking out, trying to figure out what to ask her. "i sit in here with him". scary. mack's overwhelmed. he gets up, imediately the Ouija starts freaking out, moving back and forth spelling "mama mama mama mama" like she's upset because he left. he comes back, she calms down. he gets up for a test, she does it again. he comes back. "i see him now." we ask her if mack comforts her, she says yes. we ask if she watches over mack, she says yes. she's like his guardian angel, only not. suddenly, "there are three more here." we ask ghosts, she says "boys."

mack's a triplet.

mack leaves, she starts writing "andrea" over and over, since she was basically doing the talking. mack joins the circle again and she writes "mack's back. happy." so cute. she's a very cute ghost. so we ask what's going to happen to mack. we get "dead". after a few more questions, not yet. in his 17th year. be careful this year, she says. we ask what will happen. she says "dead. 17th room." which we can't figure out. we ask her can she tell us what will happen to him. she says "can't, sorry mack." we ask her for a warning. this is the freakiest part, the part that tells us this is real.

"don't audition"

2 auditions are coming up, beauty and the beast which mack wants lumiere in, and the crucible. which he wants to direct. we ask for what, she says "the crucible." we didn't even mention the name of the plays. we ask what he will lose. she says "u might lose everything" life or material possessions? "life". how? "jealousy of others" after much clarity, jealousy of someone who doesn't get a part. we ask who will do it, she says "i can't tell, sorry mack." we ask if he will be harmed at school or home. "home." we ask if it’s by a senior, and she gets upset. she does this often through this part, swirling the indicator around really fast until mack says something and calms her down. she won't tell us. demetria, a senior girl, is the last competition mack faces for directing the show.

mack's mom walks in. "hi mom." mack's dad comes in. "go away."

suddenly, she starts making 1140 over and over. we ask her if this is an address, a room number, a time. she says yes for the last one. at 11:40, "i will give you a sign." we get excited. we forgot for a little bit, stop watching the clock, and suddenly mack's radio goes off, LOUD. look at the clock: 11:40 on the dot. we ask for another, she says 11:50 and to bring the radio into the room. we do. she starts writing "wait, wait wait" and then, suddenly "now" and just as we go over the w, the radio turns on. we get it on charisma’s camera phone. by now my mom's calling me like crazy but she keeps turning off my phone. i always have perfect service in his house, now i can't get any.

the corner where i'm sitting, right next to mack, is cold and clammy. we ask her where she is, she says "behind mack." i scoot over. mack gets up, she starts writing "andrea is nice. i like andrea. andrea is nice." she's decided she likes her and doesn't freak when mack is gone. eventually she writes that she likes us all, so that’s good, she won’t hurt us.

"i am tired. but i am not going." she says she likes talking, that she hasn't talked in so long. we ask if she has contacted anyone living before this. she says yes, "i whisper to mack at night but he doesn't talk back." she says she's glad we talked to her, that she was lonely. we ask for another sign and she asks "do you want to see me." we say not right now. later, she asks "do you want to see my face?"

half of us do, half of us don't. so three of us leave, but she makes mack stay because she wants him to see her. mack, chandra, charisma, casey, and i stay. she says to blow out the candle. we do, reluctantly. suddenly...

my mom calls. she's been waiting for 45 minutes and says if i'm not up in 5 minutes i have to walk home. i didn't get to see her, because she was furious, but my friends are going to call me later.

you may not believe, but you don't understand. this was for real. i even put my hand on it once and no one was moving it. it was going on its own. veronica is a nice ghost, thank god, because you can really fuck up things with Ouija boards. but now mack doesn't have to be afraid of her, she just watches over him. but the whole 17th room, crucible thing? unclear, unless she explained it to them. i can't be skeptical about this. this was fucking REAL. you can't fake all this, we even asked in a part i didn't write down because my hands were shaking too bad what color shirt mack was wearing, and she said "red." he was. we asked what color underwear, and she said "gray." he showed us. he was. we laughed and told her "you go veronica." and she said "yes." XDDDDD

isn't that amazing? we had a real conversation with a real ghost. if you're skeptical, you're retarded. my description of the night is totally scattered and lacking because, i can't describe it. it was truly amazing, something you had to be there for. you can't really write about it without it sounding fake. it was just... amazing.

And yes, now that nina pointed it out, I know she could be lying about being a nice ghost. But the room didn’t feel threatening, nothing felt weird besides that corner which was like.. colder. So yeah. i personally think she was good.

-will probably not sleep for a long time tonight-
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