What Will _poetryinmotion Get ?
Xmas pressie predictorBig wooly jumper knitted by thatdivaPair of Socks from undergroundBottle of Whiskey from swtemotionzCd from dark_romanticSomething Cuddly from _sleepspentSomething Intoxicating from aria1Something Silly from sexilyevilSomething Funny from cam99Lump of coal from trisbissSomething Pretty from crabbycanadianSomething Shiny from orgasaminggnomeSomething Naughty from purfectxSomething Smelly from dorkdafiedSomething Breakable from emeraldeyesSomething Useful from evilgeekishSomething not useful from girlpoisonsboyThe Black and Decker Tool Kit from fieryhorse182Livejournal account from randomangelThe Make-up Bag from ___lovelyStack of DVDs from snarkyfiendSomething Geeky from hate_prevails