first best friend/s = some danielle girl
first job = -
first screen name =
first self purchased cd = bsb?
first funeral:-
first piercing/tattoo = 7
first big trip = tennessee
last long car ride = pennsylvania
last good cry = couple weeks ago
last library book checked out = idkk
last beverage drank = water
last food = chicken noodle
last phone call = this morning
last time showered = this morning
last shoes worn = yesterday
last song played = voice within
last annoyance = my dad
last website visited = livejournal..duh
describe your
wallet = it has a S on it and its black and blue
underwear = hearts--pink
tattoos = none
hair = brown- up
eyes = green
hands = my nails are done
feet = socksss
room = pinkkkk
Girlfriend = oh you knoww
parents = LB is pretty dope, tbutt is cranky
this or that
[boxers or briefs] =boxers
[plaid or striped] =striped
[salt or pepper] = salt
[okay, ok, or o.k.] = okay..does it matter?
[bright colors or dark colors] = both
[tic-tacs or certs] = tictacs?
[sunshine or rain] = sunshine
[rain or snow] = snow
[sun or moon] = both
[silver or gold] = silver
[silk, cotton, or flannel sheets] = cotton
[preps or freaks] = does it matter?
[popcorn-with or w/out butter] = with
[ketchup, mayo, mustard, or relish]= ketchup n mayo haha
[shampoo conditioner in one or separate] = seperate
if you were ____ what would it be?
an animal = a little doggie
a fruit = peach- their sweet;)
a vegetable = corn
a color = pinkkk
a bug = ladybuggg
short answer
are you smart? = sure
do you like onions? = sorta
what instruments can you play? = -
what words do you overuse? =definitly and okayy
do you sleep with socks on? = sometimes
are you ticklish? = very
are you shy? = sortaa
do you talk to yourself? = noo not usually
do you have a basement or an attic? = both
did you go to preschool? = no
are you a morning person? = heck no
who you are closest to = alaina,kayla,kayla,erica,eileen
who makes you laugh the most = all of them.. their nuts
who is the most trustworthy = eileen
who is the most daring = alaina or kayla
who cares more about their hair then anything else = kaylaa deff
who is the craziest = alaina
who is the most flirty = kaylaa;)
layer one
first name: sarah
middle name: lynn
nickname(s): sb, sare, sarah, buss
birthplace: rochester?
current Location: same
eye color: green
hair color: brown w/red n a little blonde
height: 5 ft
righty or lefty: righty
Zodiac sign: cancer
layer two
your heritage: german,english
your fears: heights
your perfect pizza: i dont really care
goal you'd like to achieve: to get married and have kids some day
layer three
your most overused phrase online: lol
your thoughts first waking up: get away
your thoughts at bedtime: i wanna sleep in tomorrow
your most missed memory: having my grampa be normal
layer four
pepsi or coke: pepsi
mcdonald's or burger king: mickey d's
single or group dates: both?
adidas or nike: both
lipton iced tea or nestea: doesn't matter
chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
cappuccino or coffee: cappuccino
layer five
curse: no
sing: of course=)
have a crush: only ben:)
do you think you've been in love: maybe?
want to go to college: yes
like(d) high school: sortaa
want to get married: ofcourse
believe in yourself: mhm
get motion sickness: no
think you're a health freak: haha rightt
get along with your parent(s): my mom not tbutt
like thunderstorms: you know it
play an instrument: no
layer six
in the past month...
drank alcohol: just white wine for xmas
smoked: no
done a drug: no
kissed someone: yes
had sex: no
gone on a date: no
gone to the mall?: alot!
eaten an entire box of oreos:nooo but they sound good
eaten sushi: haha eew
been on stage: yes
been dumped: nope
gone skating: nope
made homemade cookies: yes
gone skinny dipping: toocold;)
dyed your hair: yes
stolen anything:nope
layer seven
played a game that required removal of clothing: no
if so, was it mixed company:
been trashed or extremely intoxicated: nope
been caught "doing something": no
been called a tease: nope
gotten beaten up: rightt
changed who you are to fit in: nooo
layer eight
age you hope to be married: 20
numbers and names of children: 4?- addison may, markii rose,alexis ray, jeremiah david
how do you want to die: sleep
where you want to go to college: mcc or roberts
what do you want to be when you grow up: nurse
what country would you most like to visit: italy
layer nine
in a guy/girl..
best eye color: whatever works
best hair color: whatever nothing "wierd"
short or long hair: what looks good
tall or short: tall
best articles of clothing: w/e
best first date location: whereever
best first kiss location: dont care
layer ten
. of drugs taken illegally: none! for god's sake
. of people i could trust with my life: 1-my mom
. of pets you have, kind, name: -
. of piercings: 5-ears
. of tattoos: -
. of scars on my body:a couple
. of things in my past that i regret: onlya few