go the the cut and then go to the link at the bottom to take the quiz
basicsare u emotional: do songs make u cry?: which songs?: movies make u cry?: name some: what emotional do u feel most often?: sadness...What does it take to make you cry your heart out: how many times have u?: where do u cry?: do u dislike crying?: do u enjoy seeing others cry?: who looks good when they cry?: how do u express sadness?: are u sad constantly?: angerwhat does it take to make u mad?: what do u do when u r angry?: how short is ur temper?: how long does it take for u to calm down?: whats the worst thing u have done when u were mad?: do u freak when others are angry?: has anyone suggested u go to angermanagement?: whats the worst thing sumone has done to make u angry?: do u anger people?: joyhow often are u happy: what makes u happy?: what do u do when ur happy?: are u optimistic? how optimistic?: do happy ppl make u angry?: What's the worst thing someone can do while they're happy: ever been so happy u needed to tell ppl?: ever been so happy u cried?: do u smile alot?: kiss ppl alot?: who makes u happy?: do u like doing things for ppl when u r happy?: fearwhat do u do when ur scared: what scares u?: do u enjoy frightening ppl?: do u like being scared? ...BOO!: do u get mad when u are scared?: have u ever been so scared u couldnt breathe: how often do u panic?: whats sumthing that scared u more then u have ever been scared before?: what do u do to calm down?: are u afraid of rollercoasters?: the strongest emotionwhat song brings ur strongest emotions to the surface?: movie?: commercial?: person?: thing?: sight?: sound?: food?: something u want?: something you are looking forward to?: what do u do?when the emotions suck?: when ur emotions rock to and fro?: when there is none?: would u rather?never feel again?: Feel loneliness or anger for the rest of your life?: Be happy forever and never experience bad times ?: Cause misery: Feel misery: Be alone: Be with everyone you know: Who: Cheers you up more than anyone else: Angers you more than anyone else ::: Scares you more than anyone else: Makes you think about your emotions more than anyone else: Makes you really care about how they feel and what they think:
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