1. Name/sex/age/location: Kendall/female/18/Toronto
2. Your 5 favorite bands/musical artists: Queens of the Stone Age, Death From Above 1979, Hot Hot Heat, Weezer, The Stills
3. Your 5 least favorite bands/musical artists: A lot of stuff, I couldn't even count them
4. Your hobbies: Playing baseball, drawing, porn
5. Is there anything special about you? I can play baseball really well...?
6. Three things you want to do before you die: Meet Johnny Depp, visit all of the provinces/territories in Canada and fly in a hot air balloon
7. Something you love? Driving and music
8. Something you hate? School
9. Anything else you want us to know? Can't really think of anything crucial
10. Goals in life: To be happy
Terrorism: I think it's made up.
PETA/Animal Rights: Animals have as much rights as humans, they were here longer than us.
Racism: People are shit heads. If it bothers you that someone is a different colour then you should just go to hell.
Serial Killers: They need to be treated in a physc ward
Long/Short: Depends
Hot/Cold: Cold
Snow/Rain: Rain
Makeup/None: None
Clean/Dirty: Clean
Rude/Nice: Nice
Cake or Death? Cake
Movie: Wayne's World, Schindler's List
Place: Ottawa, Paris
Thing: My car
Person: My best friend
Possession: My Grandma Bear
Book: 1984, The Great Gatsby
C.D.: Weezer's Blue Album/Pinkerton Queens of the Stone Age's Song's for the Deaf
Magazine: Rolling Stone
Body area to scratch/fondle: back/stomach
Food: French Onion Soup
Drink: Colt 45/Zifindel fruit wine
Fast Food Place: Monfort
Curse: I really do not know