This entry is about smoking.

Oct 29, 2006 15:12

This is all about cigarette smoking. If anti-smoking rants annoy you, feel free to not read it. This is my opinion, and I don't care if you like it or not. Thanks.

Smoking is absolutely repulsive. Absolutely. 100%. The list of pros and cons for cancer is so much heavier on the con side, it's punishable by death that one would even begin smoking.

-The bonding experience with other smokers.
-The feeling of creating a ritual.
-Momentary gratification.

-The constant smell on clothes, furniture, car, house, body.
-Not being able to breathe properly.
-Constant, nagging cough.
-Feeling winded/out of breath after extremely mild activity.
-Severe throbbing headaches.
-Lingering colds and bronchitis.
-Lowered immune system.
-Racing heartbeat, more sweating.
-Dizziness after smoking too fast or too many cigarettes.
-Nausea from smoking too much.
-The constant coppery, ashy taste your mouth.
-Yellow skin, teeth and fingernails.
-Scaly, unhealthy-feeling skin.
-Anxiety from the fear of what I was doing to myself, and the consequences.
-Mini-withdrawals throughout the day.
-Feelings of shame while spending time with non-smokers.
-Not accomplishing tasks because of wasted time smoking.
-Going out in bad weather to smoke alone.
-Feelings of inadequacy and substance dependence.
-Dry mouth and constant feelings of thirst.
-Trembling hands and fingertips.
-Fear. Of being unable to quit, of dying an untimely, painful death.
-Burning holes in car upholstery, furniture, clothes.
-Dry, chapped lips.
-Smoking young stunting growth during puberty.
-Dulled sense of taste and smell.
-Cancers of all kinds, and the pain, $, time, disgustingness that involves cancer.
-Heart attacks, strokes, heart disease.
-The pain friends and family endure from watching you kill yourself stick after stick of filth.

Now, in my opinion, that's a fairly staggering list. And no doubt it's not complete.

To continue, smoking is stupid. It's just. Plain. Stupid. Let's think, for a moment, of things that we know kill or hurt us. Driving your car into another car, shoving your hand in a hot toaster, prodding an electrical outlet with a paperclip, drinking bleach, sleeping in the deep freezer, and smoking. With all of those except the last, we try our very darndest to not have them happen! With smoking, people spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars every year to have it happen to them! It's not even a logical stupid thing! Smoking shouldn't be one of those things that you need to experience to understand it's bad, since there is clear evidence of its' killer effects.

And, now the part where I get to thank smokers! I thank you, because, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to enjoy the effects of second-hand smoke! You increase my risk of lung cancer, heart disease, and increase my future children's risk of low birth weight, bronchitis, pneumonia, and middle ear infections. You're truly doing not only yourself, but the whole world a good deed. And we non-smoker's thank you for picking up the slack.

Anyways. That's how I feel about smoking. It's a shame I didn't have to do an essay on smoking, because I just spent a good 45 minutes writing this instead of writing a real report for school.

The End.
(please "sign your name" in the form of a comment if you actually read the whole thing - I'm just curious!)

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