I really really hate jerks! quote from Akane Tendo.
Here's the thing. This guy named Alex happened to break my friends heart. I decided to contact him today. I'll put the conversation under the cut.
asuka00002: ur a mean person... i heard about what you've done
asuka00002: talking about Shasta behind her back is unforgivable
pyromaniacking7: first off
pyromaniacking7: who is this
asuka00002: a friend of Shasta, why?
pyromaniacking7: who
pyromaniacking7: name
pyromaniacking7: now
asuka00002: my name is Shianne
pyromaniacking7: k
pyromaniacking7: she won't talk to me to my face
pyromaniacking7: so
pyromaniacking7: how else am i to get word around
pyromaniacking7: i've tried talking to her
pyromaniacking7: face to face
asuka00002: so that's why you're talking behind her back? she was crying to death yesturday
pyromaniacking7: she refused
pyromaniacking7: wtf
pyromaniacking7: call me now
pyromaniacking7: 4232403960
pyromaniacking7: now
pyromaniacking7: now
asuka00002: i can't, i'm at work
pyromaniacking7: wtf are you doing on the comp at work
asuka00002: my job is an assistant
pyromaniacking7: wtf are you talking to me right now then
pyromaniacking7: go back to work
asuka00002: my boss allows me to talk to people online
pyromaniacking7: well great
asuka00002: don't ever tell me what to do
pyromaniacking7: you go to red bank
pyromaniacking7: ?
pyromaniacking7: don't you ever tell me what to do
asuka00002: yeah so?
pyromaniacking7: if she wants to tlak to me
pyromaniacking7: tlak
pyromaniacking7: talk
pyromaniacking7: then she should come to me
pyromaniacking7: not talk to her friends about me
pyromaniacking7: i want to resolve whatever the fuck this problem is
pyromaniacking7: from talking to her
asuka00002: i apologise... she probably had another bipolar problem then
pyromaniacking7: not talking to her friends
pyromaniacking7: what the fuck
asuka00002: she's bipolar... didn't you know that?
pyromaniacking7: she "dumps" me b/c i'm too clingy
pyromaniacking7: yeah i did
pyromaniacking7: and now she
asuka00002: maybe you were too busy thinking about someone else and didn't want her
pyromaniacking7: i've been trying to get her back for the last month now
pyromaniacking7: but she won't talk to me
pyromaniacking7: i've had no one else
asuka00002: so, your not interested in another person?
pyromaniacking7: no
pyromaniacking7: i am not
asuka00002: good.
asuka00002: cuz you don't deserve anyone
pyromaniacking7: she's been the only one since i moved to chattanooga
pyromaniacking7: fuck you
asuka00002: :p
pyromaniacking7: why the fuck do you even care
asuka00002: i've heard all about the evil things you do
pyromaniacking7: like what
asuka00002: i've heard that your in love with someone outta state
pyromaniacking7: from who
pyromaniacking7: who told you that
asuka00002: i've got connections
asuka00002: i think she lives in charlotte nc... am i right?
asuka00002: i won't tell Shasta
pyromaniacking7: i broke it off with my g/f from there long b4 i came to chattanooga
pyromaniacking7: back in june
asuka00002: but i heard that u were in love with your ex's best friend
pyromaniacking7: huh?
asuka00002: i think her name was like tricia or something like that
pyromaniacking7: what are you talking about
pyromaniacking7: you're kidding me right
pyromaniacking7: i have no idea who you're talking about
asuka00002: no, i'm not kidding. i've got lots of friends at South Meck and they told me a hell of a lot about u
pyromaniacking7: who did you talk to at south meck
asuka00002: i promised not to give any names
pyromaniacking7: why's that
pyromaniacking7: if you can't prove it
pyromaniacking7: you have no evidence
asuka00002: but if u insist... his name was brian
pyromaniacking7: you lived in charlotte and chattanooga
pyromaniacking7: ?
pyromaniacking7: should i know you or something
asuka00002: lived in charlotte for a year
pyromaniacking7: that's quite what year
asuka00002: i don't know you, i just know of you
pyromaniacking7: how
pyromaniacking7: long have you been here
asuka00002: there were tons of rumors at that school... things spead quickly in schools at charlotte
pyromaniacking7: ok
pyromaniacking7: great
asuka00002: u just need to know who to talk to
pyromaniacking7: that was a while back
pyromaniacking7: when i knew trish
asuka00002: oh, so u have abosolutely no feelings towards her now?
pyromaniacking7: no
pyromaniacking7: she didn't when i knew her
asuka00002: oh
pyromaniacking7: so i have none for her now
asuka00002: so that's how it is, you just give up on girls?
asuka00002: well?
pyromaniacking7: i did back in charlotte
asuka00002: oh
pyromaniacking7: b/c i had no chance to be with anyone
pyromaniacking7: and then i found a girl at my church
asuka00002: i don't believe that
asuka00002: u had no chance with anyone
That's all.... I can't believe that jerk.