(no subject)

Jun 07, 2005 18:55

When I was eight years old, my parents got divorced. For a long time both my parents seemed to argue about everything, but Scott and I pretended that they were ok. I mean, after all, he’d leave, still angry, then come back a few hours later. Well, sometimes hours - other times it was days. And, after he came back, they seemed to be happy. Or at least not fighting.

One day, though, he didn’t come back, and when he did it was to inform Scott and I that they were separating. That day Mom also explained that he would be staying in Seattle while Mom, Scott and I moved away, to where I live now. I was so angry at them, for doing this to us, for tearing us apart. We were a family; we weren’t supposed to split up. For a while Scott wanted to move with Dad, while all I wanted was for my parents to magically come back together. Sometimes I’d stay up, looking out the window and imagining my father returning. In my imagination he’d be sad and remorseful and he would ask Mom to forgive him for leaving all those times. I imagined that Mom would say that there was nothing to forgive and then they’d go back to being together, and we’d all go back to being a family. I didn’t think we could be happy if we weren’t together.

Of course, none of that actually happened. If it had then it wouldn’t have been the response to this thing. I’m not sure how my life would be different if it hadn’t happened, if my parents wouldn’t have gotten divorced. I’d imagine that we’d be in Seattle, and I highly doubt that I’d be with Chris. At the time, my dad not returning was a tragedy, and sometimes it still is since…well, he’s my dad, but now I think that it was best it happened this way. Last I heard he’s happy, he has a wife and she has two boys from her previous marriage. And my mom’s happy too, even if she never remarried. Scott and I are happy too; he got married last year and his wife’s expecting their first baby.

It all worked out.
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