Dear Chris,
The first time I saw you, the last thing I could have guessed was that I would fall in love with you, that we would be together for so long. I could have never imagined that being in love with someone could feel like this, and I can’t thank you enough for how happy you’ve made me.
Remember when we met? Feels like that was forever ago; I was eight and had just moved in town, and you were turning nine. You and Ray teamed up for everything, and you two along with your little ‘gang’ of friends were hesitant about even talking to me, since I was ‘just a girl,’ remember? The first few years we didn’t really talk, but in high school it wasn’t just you and Ray, it was you and me who formed a team. We became a couple and for four years we survived high school. After that came the fateful year when we parted ways and it was eight years until we saw each other again. Both of us had changed by then, you for the better, and me… Well, I wouldn’t exactly say the better.. I never got a chance to thank you, though, for correcting that; because you did, even if I’m not sure you realized it. You changed the whole town’s mentality, and along with theirs you changed mine, and it was for the better. Thank you, baby…
We’ve been living together for two years now, can you believe it? It feels like those eight years you weren’t in town never really happened, because you and I never seemed to stop loving each other, and that’s something else I’m so grateful for. Now I can’t imagine my life without you in it, but I don’t want to anyway. I love how my life is with you, and I love you. I will always love you, Chris.
Happy birthday, sweetheart.
Misc. Movies / Walking Tall
Word count: 322