First best friend: Bedo
First kiss: Alyse
First screen name: grimreaperdude
First funeral: dont remember
First pet: annie, fat dog. :(
First piercing: ear once
First true love: ...
First musicians you remember hearing in your house: phantom of the opera
Your Last:
Last cigarette: yesterday w/heather at the party
Last car ride: coming home from the party (yesterday)
Last good cry: cant even recall.
Last library book checked out: never check out anything from the library
Last movie seen: that really long movie with heather.
Last phone call: Samantha
Last time showered: like an hour ago.
Last shoes worn: fuckin white jack percells BIOTCH
Last CD played: MSI probably
Last item bought: beer
Last annoyance: just about everything
Last disappointment: laura in every single way
Last shirt worn: blue and green collored polo shirts
Last website visited: livejournal
Last word you said: No
Last song you sang: Senses Fail-Cute when you screem
What is in your cd player?: i got an ipod
What color socks are you wearing?: None
What Color underwear are you wearing?: plaid
What's under your bed?: a bunch of shit
What time did you wake up today? 5AM to puke and puke and puke some more
Your Current:
Current mood: hungover, tired, and sick
Current taste: diet coke
Current hair: sexy leeland cut it yesterday.
Current clothes: pair of chik jeans no shirt
Current annoyance(s): loud noises, work, and hunger
Current desktop plain black
Current book(s): Let Freedom Ring-Sean Hannity
Current color of toenails: N/A
Current time-wasting wish: sleep
Current hate: my massive hangover
One or the Other:
1. Black or white?: Black
2. Boxers or briefs?: boxer-briefs
3. Coke or Pepsi?: pepsi
4. Salt or pepper?: salt
5. Sweet or sour?: sweet
6. Vanilla or chocolate?: vanilla
7. Short or long?: long
8. Cheap or expensive?: Expenisve
9. Firm or soft?: firm
10. Hot or cold?: hot
1. Color is: Green
2. Song is: choke on this
3. Scent is: stale beer
4. Alcoholic beverage is: beer
5. Food is: cerial