My review <3

Jun 17, 2006 00:22

Ok darlings, here it is. My review on the concert, along with pics. Be waned, I'll rant and rave about mushy moments with Zero because I can xD; So I shall. I' not too good at giving reviews, but I'll try my best :o Here we go!

The morning started out with me messing my hair up and my straightener breaking =_= But eventually, Kerry and Trish arrived and we headed off to Missa Missa's where we proceeded NOT to get lost. which is quite shocking xD; SO Missa met up with us at the gas station and we headed to her home sweet home where I proceeded ot hugle Sarah and Jimmy and rub Salah's tummy <3333 OMG SARAH you look so pretty ;o;!! I was so sosoooo happy to see Sarah and Jimmy honestly <333 I really hope you liked the gift! ^-^ AND OMG you still have that drawing of Die up there x3 Sarah that made me so happy <333 So yes, I got to see Sarah and I really hope I get to see their beautiful baby girl once she is born ^-^ I love you hun!! Best wishes to you and your hubby <3333

Afterwards I proceeded to change and fix my hair and we headed off to buy Karyu and Tsukasa flowers <3 Zero's pillow smelled wonderful, since Trish, my assistant for life, gave me the darling idea of spraying the stuffing with perfume >D And I use "Heavenly" by Victoria's Secret <3 And it smells yummy. Anywho, so yeah, I had the pillow, which was a giant coffin shaped pillow made of black velvet with white lace trim and Zero written on the front with a white cross sowed on as well <3333 I didn't get a pic of the pillow, but here is the drawing I made for him:

It took me about 2 weeks to do and THOSE BRAIDS WERE FREAKING HARD >o< But I'm proud of it <3333

Ok, so we get the flowers and arrive at the venue and meet up with Sarah <333 SO we hang out, proceed to finally go inside where I head over ot Mari and yapped away as always <33 I love that girl x3 She's amazing! So we talked about the other shows and heard stories about other bands and whatnot. After that she proceded to get Harry at the merchandise table. Apparently I looked way different wit h my new hair and my glasses on that Harry didn't recognize me at first, so I scolded him for that one xD But after he did we just yapped away as usual. dork So we got our merchandise, proceeded to hang out more with Harry and Mari, and Suicide City's vocalist who is wicked nice btw. Finally, it was time to go backstage. We went into the room first and then the guys followed in one by one and when I saw Zero my heart just stopped. Now, before we went bcakstage, I was telling Harry about something I wanted to ask Zero if I could do, and Harry kept teasing me about it and said when the time would come I'd freeze, and he was right -.-;;;; Anyway, we got to give them our gifts. I proceeded to give Zero my presents and he absolutely loved my drawing of him <333 He said it looked amazing (Thank you Nora for translating!) and he saiid he had my other drawing from the New York show (it wasn't of him, it was just a really special drawing I hd done that I had shared with him) and yadda yadda. Kerry gave Hizumi his gifts and Trish the other gifts to Tsukasa and karyu :D So we proceeded with our questions, like what's the worst part of touring. For Zero, it's when people grab at his bass while playing lol, he says he does't mind it but it gets a little difficult to play. The best part is all of the amazing fans. I also asked if there was any producer out there with whom they'd love to work with in the future and Karyu mentioned this Japanese producer that he admires alot. I asked Zero how long he's been playing (8 years) what inspired him to play (There weren't many bass players that he knew of at that time). What's the craziest thing that has happened on tour, Tsukasa said the skydiving (Fr those of you who don't know what I am talking about, go watch the Word outside the cage DVD) and I told hmi that was scary as heck lol. We told them we had a couple of questions but Harry made us so nervous we forgot -.- (Harry was cracking up though xD) So we asked a few other things, like I asked Zero if he thought the drawing looked like him,we told them Kerry and Trish were sisters and yada yadda. Ok, going back to pics, Hereis my SPECIAL pic with Zero <3

I've been lucky that both pics I have taken with Zero have turned out awesome <33333 And yes, they know I went backstage at the Boston show as well :D

Kerry had her piccie taken with Hizumi and Trish picked Tsukasa. Tsukasa seemed really happy about that. So, our favorite members gave us our signed posters. I didn't want to let go of Zero's hand *o* I have so much respect and admiration for him as a musician, as an artist...<333 Karyu was super greatful o.O He took our hands with both of his and just held the and said Thank you so much o.o I was touched. He did the same to all three of us. So I wished them all good luck, waved at Zero and they left ahead. So Harry told us to meet him after the show so we could get our stuff. We headed ot the front of the stage and I met up with Missa RIGHT IN ZERO'S CORNER >DDDDD The show started and it was as amazing as the other shows I've been to. SO much energy is emmited from that band it's incredible. They sound amazing live. Some of the songs they performed were Forbidden, Marry Of The Blood, Garnet and Born. I think Born was one of the best. There were quite alot of D'Ray fans there too so that made me really happy. During the beggining, Zero kept getting closer to Missa and I, so at one point, I reached out and...I just couldn't resist...I reached out ad just glided my hand from his shoulder down his arm and the glare he gave me GOD. Just thinking about it gives me chills...he just glared up at me and gave me this mischevious grin while locking eye contact with me...I held his gaze and after that he was Missa and mine for the rest of the show.I can't go into detail about the rest though...I figure it's bes tot keep it to myself ^^; it was awesome and hot though >D He's actually quite great at playing slap bass so that was awesome. He threw a pic towards Misa too :D!! When the show ended, he first came up to Missa and showered her with water and afterwards, proceeded to do the same to me <3 So the show ended and I went off to talk to Mari some more.. We hung outside the club for a while and when they finally walked outside, and I noticed Zero was carrying my gifts I almost DIED. (they had already changed out of their stage outfits and were dressed casually) He wasn't carrying anything else aside from my gifts <3 We waved goodbye and that was that <3333 THIS, my dear friends, was an experience of a lifetime. I can go on and on about why I adore Zero so much, but just go see D'espairsRay live, go listen to their music, go listen intently to his bass lines and you might understand...

here's my pic with the whole band :D

EDIT: Thinking about everything clearly now, after I spazzed out for a while...I decided to edit this entry and keep some things private, because of the people involved, including the band. I don't want people harrasing the boys or the nice nice people who organized this, you know? I WILL say I had a TON of fun, I love Zero even more, if that's possible x3 and they simply ROCK. Such sweethearts! <3 I'll leave the piccies :D Those who already read what I wrote please keep it to yourselves ok? Have a wonderful day everyone!

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