Come down and waste away with me...down with me...slow how you wanted it to be....
Ok that last entry was from like a week ago. I'd been saving it because last week the power went out and I was updating my journal and since then the internet has been down. I'm soooo thankful we finally got it back. I've been going crazy. Ok sooo now here we go....
Tuesday I went after school and got my license!!! I'm so happy. I can't drive but atleast I got it. I took a really cute picture. I was so proud. I also am probably getting this Mitsubishi Mirage from Kelly. It's a 2001 silver with four doors, automatic windows and a CD player so that makes me happy. It could use a little work but it will get from point A to point B.
Wednesday night me, Meagan and Laura went to 180 and had the best time. We got to know Matt's younger brother, Jason who's a sophomore and his friend Chris. OMG they are so awesome and hilarious, especially Jason. We went to Wendy's afterwards and Jason got all our numbers. Matt was with Kelli a bunch of the night and Laura was bummed. We asked Shiloh the story behind it and he was like "A few months they were talking about getting together and he liked her a lot but out of the blue she told him she didn't want a boyfriend at the time and now she's kinda leading him on again." So Laura was really sad about that. I think Meagan started liking Jason and Chris alot, even tho Jason has a girlfriend already.
Thursday I got a new mattress. OMG it is soooo soft I love it so much. It's one of those you just sink into. So that was awesome. That night Meagan called me looking for Laura, she was at Matt's house helping Jason with his homework. She finally got a hold of Laura and she was pissed because Matt likes Meagan a little bit and she was over there and never bothered to call her.
Yesterday she went out of town for soccer. She was like "Don't do anything without me." and then Laura said she basically threatened her saying that if we did, she would just go over there on Saturday night. This made Laura kinda mad. Javi was out of school all day gettin his new braces. He also got switched to my fourth hour class because he said he "was gonna get into a fight with one of those bitch ass sophomores" in his class. So he switched to Tech Lab with me and now has A lunch with me again. After practice, he came over and showed me his braces. He was so self-consious. He was like "I'm not gonna smile all night." but I liked them. I thought he looked so cute but I also have a thing for guys with braces so maybe its just me lol. But he will look so hott with straight teeth.
We met up with Shiloh and Jason at Subway and then went to go pick up Laura. Javi had met her mom earlier that week when she helped him with math homework and of course she loved him. We all went riding around. We went to Walmart and then walked over to Chili's and ate some dessert. All in all, it was a good night and Jason and Shiloh are awesome people to hang out with. Jason showed us all these text messages Meagan had sent him. He was like, "I think she likes me, and she's hott but I'm not breaking up with my girlfriend."
I went to a cross country meet this morning and ran. I got 40th place out of 149 girls. It was tiring. I just got home and took a shower and called Javi. He said Shiloh and Jason want to go hang out again and me and Laura already planned to too so we'll probably all get together again. So I basically summed up the weekend so far. Not much details. Sorry bout that, but now that the net's back I'll be able to give you more. Bye for now.....