
Apr 13, 2004 19:20

Acting isn't being your character, it's being true to your character.

Come to the CFHS Playwriting Competition!!!!!!!! It is Friday April 16th @7:00PM.
Tickets are $1. It's cheap entertainment and i am playing a Catholic Slut in the most emo play ever!

Come and it will be fun and we can hang out after!

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Comments 18

bloomingdays April 13 2004, 22:22:48 UTC
Be there or be square!- I'm more circular than square.


dontbustmychops April 14 2004, 11:40:35 UTC
hey, this is _____heartichoke, im commenting from my old journal, but i received the money so im sending your stuff out today [i was out of town for a bit] thaanks!<3


_radiatorhums April 14 2004, 15:24:52 UTC
ok awesome thanks so much!


kjell_bjarne April 17 2004, 00:53:47 UTC
hey, Is this jenny's livejournal? I inferred that from the comments and such, but I just wanted to comment on your fantastic taste in music. Glad you've heard of pedro the lion and american football.
thats enough, ciao a tutti.
(anonymous joe)


kjell_bjarne April 17 2004, 00:53:58 UTC


_radiatorhums April 17 2004, 11:17:16 UTC
um joe i think you are super cool and i am glad that i met you. ok we are friends. that is the end. no arguments.


No Comments!? anonymous June 7 2004, 21:21:43 UTC
I noticed that there are no comments about your astute statement about acting being a matter of true to your character brewster!!! You should feel proud to be an Actress no matter what venue you take. I was watching Inside the Actors Studio And Jude Law Said: In Ancient Rome The King?/Emperor? has in his court a philosopher,Astonomer,physician, Advisor(I think)...........And An Actor, and thats very worthy.: What do you think of that Brewster? Think about it.

P.S. You know who this is...I think:)


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