
Oct 23, 2004 13:12



Name: Christa
Age/Birth Date: 14 -> November 6, 1989
Location: Baltimore, Maryland
Sex (male or female): Female

ten hippest bands:
-.-A Static Lullaby
-.-My Chemical Romance
-.-Letter Kills
-.-The Spill Canvas
-.-MotionCity Soundtrack
-.-Boys Night Out
-.-Bright Eyes
-.-Dropkick Murpheys
5 raddest Movies
-.-SLC Punk
-.-The Nightmare Before Christmas
-.-Punk-O-Rama Volume 9 DVD
-.-The Best Of Will Ferrel
-.-The Lion King
3 Most Hated Bands/Why
-.-Good Charlotte - I used to like them alot before their new CD, "The Chronicles of Life and Death." After that came out, I realized how much of posers they were and how much they just want to be Mainstream and make alot of money.
-.-The Monkees - It's not that I don't like their music, it's just because the songs get stuck in my head for days at a time and it drives me crazy.
-.-J-Kwon - I don't prefer rap, but some is okay. Anyone in the entire world can do the kind of rapping he does.


Color{s}: Dark Red
Song: The Shooting Star That Destroyed Us - A Static Lullaby
Food: Mashed potatoes and spaghetti mixed together is awesome. Yumm =)
Animal: Kangaroo. I think it is so cool that they jump around.
Season: Fall. Here in Maryland it is not too cold, but not too hott. Just..Perfect =).


What do you think about…
Homosexuality/Same sex marriages: They deserve the same rights as heterosexual people. But, I personally think marriage shouldn't really be part of the government. People who live together should be recognized and given the same benefits. Marriage is a religious thing and should remain a religious thing. But, that doesn't mean that I agree with people being assholes toward gay people. You never know, someone you love might me gay.

Abortion: I am Pro-Choice, because in cases where a mother gets pregnant by rape, she should be able to choose whether to have the baby or not. The child will be a forever memory of the rape and some day, the child will grow up and ask, "Mommy, who is my daddy?." What do you think the child would do if they knew the father was a rapist?.. I don't think that abortion should used as a way for Teenagers to get rid of their problems either, though. If they have unprotected sex and the girl ends up pregnant, I definitly do not think she should be able to have an abortion. It was their fault for having unprotected sex.

War: I think it is sometimes needed. I don't like that we have to kill thousands of innocent people though. We should be able to work things out without killing.

George Bush: He has kept us in Iraq forever in a war that was, I believe, not necessary. Kerry will straighten out the economy, and he'll introduce legislation to provide health care for the uninsured. We need a new leader, a change. Bush has lead us into a unjust war and he's only providing tax breaks for those fortunately rich. I'd also like to say that I think it's pretty horrible for both the parties to make a big deal about Vietnam. That was in the past, this is now. Bush didn't even do anything in the war so he should really shut up.

Self Harm: I think it's a horrible thing. Not that the people that do it are bad or stupid, but I think it's horrible that they have to resort to that kind of thing. I do not think it is their fault at all, and it is just their way of dealing with stress.

Drugs/Alcohol: If you are the legal age for drinking, then that is okay, but drugs and alcohol really mess with your body and your mind. Millions of kids and adults are trying them every year and it is killing thousands of people. I think that is terrible.

.::about you::.

Are you single/dating? Single.
What makes you rad? My music taste is pretty rad.


Entertain Us, tell us a story, a joke, anything that will amuse us:
Five surgeons are discussing who makes the best patients to operate on.
The first surgeon says, "I like to see accountants on my operating table because when you open them up, everything inside is numbered."
The second responds, "Yeah, but you should try electricians! Everything inside them is color coded."
The third surgeon says, "No, I really think librarians are the best; everything inside them is in alphabetical order."
The fourth surgeon chimes in: "You know, I like construction workers, those guys always understand when you have a few parts left over at the end, and when the job takes longer than you said it would."
But the fifth surgeon shut them all up when he observed "You're all wrong, politicians are the easiest to operate on."
"There's no guts, no heart, no balls, no brains and no spine, and the head and the butt are interchangeable."
ha, It's not really that funny.. But it's definitly true.

PROMOTE US. Where did you promote us to?nikkee_raynee16
Mandatory: Now post at least 2 pictures (no more than 10), must have a clear shot of your face. Nude photos are not allowed in your application.
Optional: post a picture that shows your rad-ness.

Maija, Shelly, and Me

my favorite shirt <3

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