(no subject)

Jan 01, 2005 01:02


Name: Avelle
Age/Birth Date: 4/14/88
Location: Los Angeles
Sex (male or female): femme

ten hippest bands:
-TV on the Radio-
-Head Automatica-
-The Used-
-My Chemical Romance-
-Earth Wind and Fire-
-In Case of Fire-
-Scissor Sisters-
-The Mars Volta-
-From first to last-
5 raddest Movies
-Big Fish-
-The Nightmare Before Christmas-
-Dirty Dancing (Havana Nights)-
-It's a wonderful life-
-Monsieur Ibrahim-
3 Most Hated Bands/Why
- The Number 12 looks like you:this is a band my brother likes and all it is is incesant screaming and distortion.i like this stuff but to an extent -
- Lindsey Lohan:i've hardly even heard most of her stuff but i just have such a problem with actreses becoming singers.i'm a musician and i can tell when there's nothing special in a person's music and all of there's is the same-
-country music.that's it.the word itself scares me.-


Color{s}: Orange
Song: Please Please Please Please Please (it is a song)
Food:soup à l'oignon
Animal: little brazilian monkey
Season: californian winter


What do you think about…
Homosexuality/Same sex marriages: I LOVE IT !!!!!!!!!!!!-----------i'm a fucking open-minded happy person...people have to stop being pessimitic...............spread the love
Abortion: people make a huge deal about saving unborn babies but i think that we should spend more time trying to save suicidal people who already instead of babie who don't even have lives yet.
War: it's a harsh word. i'm a peaceful person but i'm not a baby either.i know that there are things that have to be done.i donno............
George Bush: ***sigh*** It's funny because half of the country hates him.He's out of his mind.Poor guy...little liar.
Self Harm: It's a way of releasing pain to some.To others it's a way of getting attention. It can be sad to others but for those who seriously do it it's their choice.Sometimes it's a way of running away from their problems.Sometime it's a sign of desperation.
Drugs/Alcohol:hehe i'm drunk.whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

.::about you::.

Are you single/dating? single unfortunately...
What makes you rad? i'm a kaleidoscope (believe it or not) :light shines into me and i burst it into a million shapes and color all over the world;this is very very very true!


Entertain Us, tell us a story, a joke, anything that will amuse us:OK:
1)There was two cupcakes in an oven,One said,"Holy shit it's hot in here!".Then the other said,"Holy shit,a talking cupcake!".hehehe...
2)Go on this link it' fucking hilarious:http://www.ebaumsworld.com/fartingcat.html
3)Entertaining cartoon that my friend drew:

4)I paint this is one of my paintings:

PROMOTE US. Where did you promote us to? umm my livejournal?
Mandatory: Now post at least 2 pictures (no more than 10), must have a clear shot of your face. Nude photos are not allowed in your application.

Optional: post a picture that shows your rad-ness.

i think it's a pretty rad thing that i'm wearing my brother's band's hat::: (www.purevolume.com/incaseoffire)

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