I've made a couple of edits to my layout. Decided on something a little more plain, although I had found one with a paper kind of effect which looked pretty cool, but the text looked out of place, so I settled with this. It's funny how I like some aspects of some designs and completely despise other parts. If only I had that artistic talent that I
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Comments 13
Well, this may be my own Horde bias talking, but I'd say yes. Yes he did.
You should defect to our side. We have cookies!
out of curiosity, what server do you guys play on? I've been playing for a few months, I'm not really power leveling or anything though. Right now I'm like level 36.
I'm on Runetotem server, I've got a blood elf hunter named Hashel. I've got a human warrior too, but she's only level 12 or 13, can't remember.
Stay full feral ;). Times have changed. Me and my boyf are both full feral and we have no problems getting groups. Unless you like being tree/Boomkin of course. Its really good to see you playing again though, sexy Night Elf females for the win.
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