I posted it once already
here but just incase that post is buried under new ones..
Reno (レノ); Final Fantasy VII (game) and FF7: Advent Children (movie) He’ll also be in a few spinoff games that’ll be coming out soon, I believe?
Reno is a cocky, loud and somewhat lazy member of the Turks. The Turks is an unofficial name for the “Investigation Sector of the General Affairs Department of the Shin-Ra Electric Power Company. They perform black ops on behalf of the corporation, including kidnappings and assassinations.” But Reno isn’t really evil or anything. They mostly work for Rufus Shin-Ra and act as reoccurring villains throughout the game. He’s very competent in his job but off duty he doesn’t seem to think much of it nor does he really follow the goals and ideals of Shin-Ra. Reno is also a bit of a gossip mongrel. Oh, and he can pilot a helicopter, very cool.
You meet him first in the game in the church slums with a bunch of baddies trying to kidnap Aeris Gainsborough. He runs away after Cloud knocks down a lot of barrels on his group. The second time you see him, he’s setting up a bomb to blow up Sector 7 (a sector is like a small town in the game). Okay, blowing up innocent people might be a little evil ^^; But he’s more of a comic relief character and not one of the main bosses or anything. Perhaps maybe a mini boss when the protagonists fight him prior to his blowing up Sector 7. But he runs away!
Anyways, he does team up with the protagonists in Wutai when they had a common enemy. You see this more in the movie when Reno and Rude help Cloud’s team fight the three silver haired brothers. He even throws a bomb at them in the end. Reno likes blowing things up, it seems. Bright, colourful and loud bombs, that looks like a compiled collection of fireworks.
Reno is almost never seen without swinging around his Electro-Mag rod, his goggles on his head and his buddy, Rude at his side. They’re BFF and partners in crime! They’d probably braid each other’s hair at night.. if Rude had hair, y’know? You see this more in the movie; Rude is a bit taciturn so Reno does enough talking for the both of them. They’re also back-to-back when they fight so there’s a trust factor going on. Even though Reno whacks him in the head with his rod, accidentally, there’s no hate! 8D
In game his Electro-Mag Rod traps a character within a ‘pyramid’ and renders them useless in the fight. It also causes various ailments too, but my memory’s fuzzy. For this game his Rod will act like a super taser and hitting stick. He carries it around all the time because its currently his one true love.
What else? In the Japanese versions, Reno has a distinctive speech pattern, ending with a “zo, to!” to most of his sentences. I decided to use “yo!” to end most of his sentences instead, since it doesn’t look as weird as seeing your sentences end in a zo, to. So, if you see them, it’s not that he’s trying to be ghetto. Not completely. :D
For this game: I’ll be keeping Reno pretty much the same as he is in canon since it works for this world. His main weapon of choice will be his Electro-Mag Rod and his uniform will be the same as the one he wore in the movie. Attitude will be the same; hair will be the same, yeah, same, same. I’d like him to be employed by Shin-Ra and Rufus. And if any of the Turks get picked up later, I’d like them to be buddies with some backstory. Or any FF7 character for that matter.
Reno will get along with anyone who doesn’t try to shove their ideas down his throat, or make fun of him. He has a bit of a quick temper but he isn’t one to hold grudges for long.
I think I’m done now. :o)
That said, any character wishes for backstory with Reno are cool, yo! My AIM contact is "bunnies in a cup" if I'm online you can give me a poke or leave me a comment. ♥