10:28 PM 4/3/10 · In the past year I've lost a few friends, one of which was suicide. Now I know insofar as Christianity goes this is a direct line to Hell, for those of them that believe in it, or at the very least a roadblock from Heaven
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Comments 8
If one believes reincarnation (a concept that also was voted out of the Bible), you come right back, don't pass go in Heaven, don't collect $200, get thrown right into another life.
For the bible:
For Reincarnation and the bible:
But it was a pretty major sin by the high Middle Ages. Witness, Dante's treatment of suicide in the Divine Comedy, for example. I also know that in general, Christian chroniclers recounted with horror and disbelief the suicides of large numbers of Jews faced with 'baptism by force' under the crusading armies in 1096.
So I believe the doctrine developed in the middle ages, but I don't know the exact derivation. It is, however, a matter of theological interpretation, rather than an explicit commandment, unless you count it as a form of murder.
I'm a little fuzzy on how being unable to murder oneself denotes value
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