SEE ALL THIS... : Why I suck: [x] I make myself bleed for the fun of knowing a little bit of life is leaving me. [x] I hate myself more that anyone knows [x] I always fuck everything up [x] I'm getting fat. [x] I make myself throw up [x] I'm obsessed with being loved... I need it [x] I can't accept the fact that my mom just doesn't care [x] I am not smart. [x] I hurt so many people just by being myself. [x] I try so hard to seem okay, and I fail miserably [x] the fact that I just wrote all this down.
ITS BULLSHIT.. your a beutiful girl, and extremly nice. there is no need for you to feel this way, the way you are feeling is ridiculous. ( <--- spellin ??) so i have solutions for you.. stop hanging out with people that make you feel this way, and live your life happily day to day. hmmm... i think the best thing that happened to you was christa.. you guys deserve to be happy... and i am happy for you both.. just keep your head up.. and everything will b fine.. just remeber your a great girl.. :)
Comments 5
Why I suck:
[x] I make myself bleed for the fun of knowing a little bit of life is leaving me.
[x] I hate myself more that anyone knows
[x] I always fuck everything up
[x] I'm getting fat.
[x] I make myself throw up
[x] I'm obsessed with being loved... I need it
[x] I can't accept the fact that my mom just doesn't care
[x] I am not smart.
[x] I hurt so many people just by being myself.
[x] I try so hard to seem okay, and I fail miserably
[x] the fact that I just wrote all this down.
ITS BULLSHIT.. your a beutiful girl, and extremly nice. there is no need for you to feel this way, the way you are feeling is ridiculous. ( <--- spellin ??) so i have solutions for you.. stop hanging out with people that make you feel this way, and live your life happily day to day. hmmm... i think the best thing that happened to you was christa.. you guys deserve to be happy... and i am happy for you both.. just keep your head up.. and everything will b fine.. just remeber your a great girl.. :)
Yeah. I agree. Christa is great for me and she makes my life worth a little something.
Thank you.
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