Jul 14, 2007 00:26
things just continue to get better and better.
get me out of here.
Jul 10, 2007 22:15
ah fuck.
So, I put my dad's video camera on loan a couple months ago.
I just went to check the pay by date and it was the 4th.
last time I checked on something, the guy said you get another month past that date, so hopefully that's still true. I e-mailed them about it.
Otherwise, I am fucked.
May 29, 2007 22:42
So i got my new phone.
I won't know my numbers until I get into town and have service.
but send me your phone number and your two way so i can put them on here.
going through like 5 different phones in the past year, i've lost a lot of numbers.
Apr 17, 2007 08:09
There are two races this weekend.
Friday night:
420 Race(you get the idea).
7:30 - 420 SW Washington(Top floor to the right)
Saturday night:
Taxicat alleycat
Magic Gardens 6pm $3
Both should be fun.