so, today chelsea miller, shelby, and i decided to make a list of things we all want in a boy. this is a combination of characteristics we look for. not all of it we completely agree on but yet again, it is a combination. . if you have a boy that fits these don't leave a comment telling me how lucky you are because i will become incredibly jealous. don't take this too seriously.
1. pretty eyes
2. cute smile
3. handsome voice
4. long hair
5. not immature
6. tall, for the most part
7. fashion sense
8. cute laugh
9. good arms
11. wears tight pants
12. good music taste
13. can hold a conversation in person, AIM, and the phone
14. smells nice
15. gives good hugs
16. no flab
17. absolutely no trash stash ever
18. calls
19. knows how much PDA is enough PDA
20. thin
22. likes to hold hands
23. not an enormous nose unless you're june tate who for some odd reason likes large noses?
24. collar bones
25. no enormous adam's apples
26. no bushy eyebrows
27. good sense of humor (knows when to be serious and when to be funny)
28. compassionate
29. shows the same level of affection to you that you show to him
30. trims his nose hairs often
31. is nice to his siblings
32. doesnt take a lot of time to get ready
33. leaves really cute myspace comments
34. bathes
35. high vocabulary/ intelligence
36. supportive
37. minimal acne
38. not flirtatious
39. not a crack whore
40. will sing along to your favorite songs with you.