ok i'm totally gonna make this up as i go along but this is gonna be one of those things you fill out about me and leave it in a comment.
and it is mandatory. got it k.
my middle name:
your name:
my age:
eye color:
am i cute?
am i hot?
do you love me?
ever had a crush on me? be honest..::
tell me something you like about my personality:
something you like about my looks:
whats my pet peeve?
favorite instrument?
favorite movie?
what reminds you of me?
if you could give me something what would it be:
my cutest outfit:
if you went shopping for me, what would you buy?
your favorite memory of me:
am i fun to be around?
worst personality flaw, honestly:
best personality feature:
best physical feature:
favorite thing to do with me:
do i talk too much?
too little?
am i particularly good at anything?
do i annoy you?
am i bitchy?
describe me in 5 words:
ummm kay