These are some Narnia and Star Wars Expanded Univers icons. Rules: 1. Credit (_sapphiredreams) 2. Comment 3. Textless icons are NOT bases. 4. No hotlinking.
Wow--seriously, these are awesome! I love 1-5 series...not too visually busy, but extremely lovely nonetheless. (#5 my fave) I also absolutely love #10 and 14--the designs are gorgeous. #25 and 28-31 are wonderful too. Really, really awesome job!!! :) Make some more--these are some of my favorites that I've ever seen (and I'm not just saying this because I'm biased... ;)
Thanks! I'm suprised that you like 10 so much, that one I was just trying out the frame. Though, I think I might have cut out the 4 kids from a different background though, I don't remember. That was one of the first ones I made when I starteed up again. I love number 5 too. I did that one first and then I decided to do a series. Number 14 took forever, but it was fun because I liked the colors and I liked making the flower pattern. I think I like the ones best that take the longest to do and that don't use another person't brush as a frame. I knew you'd like the sisters one. I actually had to cut around Susan and move Lucy closer to Susan because they were too far apart in the pic for the design I wanted. I'm glad you like 28-31, I tried some new stuff with that one. :) Thanks! I'm so glad you like them! :)
10 is just so simple and yet elegant and lovely. I love the vine/floral design on a 10 and 14. Seriously, you need to keep making icons--these are gorgeous! :)
Lol. Thanks! That's my favorite series too. Hence, why they were first. The last series is growing on me too though, with the sepia coloring. And btw, yes, I did post them on two very active communities. :)
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