O.M.G. This episode was just so asd;lfkawe EPIC~!!!!
So epic I actually made a post about it o.o;;
Episode 23 was TRULY awesome. Seriously. ;____;
The tension just keeps building up it's HURTING me I swear D: I have to say, in terms of the expression "getting the audience at the edge of their seats", this series is the PERFECT example o_o It's been...so long since I've been this hooked on watching a series...I knew it'd be great when I heard it's by the same people who made Baccano! but...this is really good o.o
It really hurts to see Kida-kun all injured like that but man for someone as lean as him, he really can kick ASS >=D It was great to see Kida came to some sort of resolve with his past, and how he was able to bravely face it (don't be so ready to die though!! D:) But I'm really proud of him, oh Kida <3
When I saw Simon give that speech to Kida, I'm just loving him more and more <3 Too bad he wasn't able to stop him >< And thank you so much Celty for finally clearing this up, otherwise I really think no one's gonna confess any time soon...==;
And I'm still confused about how DID Horada know about Mikado, and what was going on with Saki calling Simon, and Namie talking on the phone...maybe we'll get that cleared up next episode?
Haha oh Shizuo <3 of COURSE he'd be alright XDD I swear he's superhuman...with how he so casually walked to Shinra's apartment and just sat down at his sofa for treatment as like all his other visits o_o But someonee tell him it's NOT Kida behind him being shot ;__;
AND they did it again: ending the episode right at the TOP of the climax D: Well looking forward to some action next episode! The last bit of action we saw at the end (like Anri and Mikado&Celty's entrance <3)was just EPIC~ Oh and please. Just kill off Horada already D:
I really hope everything will turn out alright between Mikado, Anri, and Kida ><
And I have to say I'm really really sad to see this series end, it's been such an EXCITING ride I just wanna see more...D: I mean whyyyyy, WHY 24 episodes? Isn't it usually 26? ;____; Hopefully they'll make another season? ><
Or I'll just read the novels...I have the chinese version to read any time but I'm just being lazy...should read it to practice my chinese anyway (and find anything interesting that they left out in the anime XDD)